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Epoxy.com Product #241

Acrylic Sealer - Low VOC


Epoxy.com Product #241 Acrylic Sealer with Low VOCs is a clear acrylic emulsion formulated to create a clear, non-yellowing, protective coating. Epoxy.com Product #241 Acrylic Sealer with Low VOCs provides a tough, UV, and abrasion resistant film that protects surfaces from moisture penetration, staining, dirt, dust, wear, and provides a surface that is easy to clean and maintain. Epoxy.com Product #241 Acrylic Sealer is an excellent choice for both interior and exterior applications.

The excellent water, alkali, and efflorescence resistance of this product, in combination with its exterior durability and its ability to adhere to a variety of substrates, allow it to be used in many applications. Epoxy.com Product #241 Acrylic Sealer with Low VOCs is designed as an effective terrazzo sealer thereby replacing flammable acrylic sealers. Epoxy.com Product #241 Acrylic Sealer with Low VOCs can be used to seal concrete, masonry, pavers, brick, Saltillo tiles , or any cementitious substrate. While it is a clear-drying formulation, it will tend to impart a rich darkening, or "wet look" quality to many substrates, especially those of a dark or tinted nature.


  • Hot Tire Resistant
  • UV Resistant
  • Waterborne
  • Excellent Clarity & Color Retention
  • Low Maintenance Finish
  • Fast Dry Time
  • Excellent Abrasion & Mar Resistance
  • Seals Substrate from Moisture Penetration


  • Substrate temperature must be a minimum of 50°F
  • Substrate must be free of dirt, waxes, curing agents, and other foreign materials.


200-600 Square feet per gallon per coat depending on the surface porosity and/or application Method.



Surface Preparation is the most critical portion of any successful resinous flooring system application. All substrates must be properly prepared as outlined in Epoxy.com Surface Perparation Guide. Epoxy.com's Technical Service Department will answer any questions. All surfaces must be clean and free of loose debris, dirt and dust, grease, oils, curing agents, bonding agents, and cleaning solutions. Cleaning may be accomplished by pressure washing, mechanical sanding, scraping, chipping, or sand blasting. Repair all cracks with the appropriate patching material for the existing substrate.


Epoxy.com Product #803 Acrylic Sealer can be easily applied. Apply with low pressure pump at 200-600 square feet per gallon. Can also be brushed or rolled using a lamb's wool applicator. Coverage will vary due to ambient temperature, surface temperature, surface porosity, and/or application methods. Do not apply if surface temperature is below 45°F. Avoid pooling and applications to areas that are subject to ponding water. A single coat will seal the substrate to minimize staining while producing a "patina" like finish. Subsequent coats will create a surface film with a higher sheen.

Care should be taken to minimize the entrapm ent of air caused by over-rolling. Two coats are recommended for sealing applications. Thinning No thinning is required. Apply at package consistency.


Clean skin with soap and water. Tools and equipment can be cleaned with soap and water, xylene or lacquer thinner.


Weight/Gallon8.5± .2
Drying Time15-30 minutes
Re-Coat1 hour. Good air movement and humidity control are
necessary for proper drying and waterborne coatings.
Flash PointNone (Seta Flash)
pH8.5 - 8.9
Solids Weight %20.0%
Package Life 1 year, unopened
VOC 0.60 grams/liter

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

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