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Installation Instructions Epoxy Cove Base
Product #720 Cove Paste Binder Method


Most Epoxy.com FLOORING SYSTEMS can be installed with an integral cove base to provide seamless wall to floor protection. The outline below explains mixing and installation procedures for each type of system.


Surface Preparation is the most critical portion of any successful resinous flooring system application. All substrates must be properly prepared as outlined in Epoxy.com Surface Preparation Guide. Specific attention should be paid to the following:

A. Concrete placement

B. Curing and finishing techniques of the concrete substrate

C. Age of concrete

D. Previous contamination of the substrate

E. Present condition of the substrate

Also, the temperature and humidity conditions of the area to receive the flooring system should be checked. An optimum room temperature of 75°F with a minimum slab temperature of 50°F is required for proper cure of the resin flooring system.


If you are installing Epoxy.com Chip Flooring or and other Epoxy.com Flooring or Mortar System Except for Epoxy.com Product #15 Quartz System skip ahead to Section IV.

Installations of an integral cove base with Epoxy.com Flooring is normally terminated at the floor line by cutting a straight line at the bottom of the cove and installing the system up to that point. The top of the cove can terminated with a divider strip. Alternate method involves masking a line with Duct Tape at the top of the cove. If using the duct tape method, be sure to remove the duct tape before the cove sets up too much to remove the duct tape properly.

A. Material Quantities

1. Epoxy.com #899 Primer/ Low Modulus Binder 1 gallon

2. Epoxy.com #720 Cove Paste Binder 1.25 gallons

3. Epoxy.com Quartz Granules 100 pounds

4. Epoxy.com #60 Cove Powder 1 quart


Recommended batch quantities

1 Quart Epoxy.com #720 part A & 1 cup Epoxy.com #720 part B

2. 24 pounds Epoxy.com Colored Quartz Granules

3. 1 Cup Epoxy.com # 60 Cove Powder

Estimated Batch Coverage: 22-25 lineal feet at 1/8"

B. Installation--Priming

It is very important to prime the wall surface prior to installing cove base. Priming insures maximum adhesion to the prepared substrate and helps mixed cove material to "hang" on the wall.

1. Mixing Epoxy.com #899 Low Modulus Epoxy Primer

a. Stir each component prior to mixing.

b. Mix two (2) parts by volume of Part A (Base) with one (1) part by volume of Part B (Hardener) for three minutes with a low speed electric drill mixing paddle.

c. If thinning is desired, add no more than one pint of xylene per gallon of epoxy at time of mixing.

d. Mix only that amount of material that can be used in 40 minutes.

e. Apply only as much primer as you can apply the Product #720 Cove mix to before the 899 Primer hardens and is no longer tacky.

2. Application--Brush primer onto the wall surface.

3. Allow Primer to tack-up.

C. Installation--Cove Base

Note: Cove Base should be applied into the 899 Primer, while the 899 Primer is still tacky. If the 899 Primer is no longer tacky, reapply the 899 Primer.

1. Mixing Epoxy.com #720 Cove Paste Binder, Quartz Granules, & Cove Powder

a. Stir each component prior to mixing.

b. Mix four (4) parts by volume of Part A (Base) with one (1) part by volume of Part B (Hardener) for three minutes with a low speed electric drill mixing paddle.

c. Transfer to KOL mixer and add Epoxy.com Cove Powder to the premixed Epoxy.com #720.

Note: Epoxy.com recommends the use of a KOL Mixer when preparing cove base material. Insufficient mixing of cove base material will result in a stiff, dry, and hard to trowel blend that does not have sufficient wetting of aggregate to insure proper bonding to the substrate.

d. Continue mixing while adding Epoxy.com Colored Quartz Granules.

e. Mix resin/aggregate mortar for 3 to 4 minutes or until aggregate uniformly is wet.

2. Application

a. Trowel cove base mixture vertically onto primed wall surface at 1/8" thickness.

b. Place material at the cove and form cove radius using and appropriate cove trowel.

c. Terminate bottom of cove base and install quartz flooring up to base.

IV. COVE BASE FOR Epoxy.com MORTAR, and Epoxy.com Chip Flooring Systems

Installations of an integral cove base with Epoxy.com Solid Colored Floor Systems are normally terminated at the floor line by cutting a straight line at the bottom of the cove and installing the system up to that point. The top of the cove is preferably terminated with a divider strip as pictured in the following pages.

A. Material Quantities

1. Epoxy.com #899 Primer/Low Modulus Binder 1 gallon

2. Epoxy.com #720 Cove Paste Binder 1.25 gallons

3. Epoxy.com Blended Mortar Aggregate 100 pounds

4. Epoxy.com #60 Cove Powder 1 quart

Recommended batch quantities

1. 1 QT Epoxy.com #720 part A & 1 cup Epoxy.com #720 part B

2. 21 pounds Epoxy.com Blended Mortar Aggregate

3. 1 pint Epoxy.com Cove Powder

Estimated Batch Coverage: 22-25 lineal feet at 1/8 inch thick.

B. Installation--Priming

It is very important to prime the wall surface prior to installing cove base. Priming insures maximum adhesion to the prepared substrate and helps mixed cove material to "hang" on the wall.

1. Mixing Epoxy.com #899 Low Modulus Epoxy Primer

a. Stir each component prior to mixing.

b. Mix two (2) parts by volume of Part A (Base) with one (1) part by volume of Part B (Hardener) for three minutes with a low speed electric drill mixing paddle.

c. If thinning is desired, add no more than one quart of xylene per gallon of epoxy at time of mixing.

d. Mix only that amount of material that can be used in 40 minutes.

e. Apply only as much primer as you can apply the Product #720 Cove mix to before the 899 Primer hardens and is no longer tacky.

2. Application--Brush primer onto the wall surface.

3. Allow Primer to tack-up.

C. Installation--Cove Base

Note: Cove Base should be applied into the 899 Primer, while the 899 Primer is still tacky. If the 899 Primer is no longer tacky, reapply the 899 Primer.

1. Mixing Epoxy.com #720 Cove Paste Binder, Mortar Aggregate, & Cove Powder.

a. Stir each component prior to mixing.

b. Mix four (4) parts by volume of Part A (Base) with one (1) part by volume of Part B (Hardener) for three minutes with a low speed electric drill mixing paddle.

c. Transfer to KOL mixer and add Epoxy.com Cove Powder to the premixed Epoxy.com #60.

Note: Epoxy.com recommends the use of a KOL Mixer when preparing cove base material. Insufficient mixing of cove base material will result in a stiff, dry, and hard to trowel blend that does not have sufficient wetting of aggregate to insure proper bonding to the substrate.

d. Continue mixing while adding Epoxy.com #77 Mortar Aggregate

e. Mix resin/aggregate mortar for 3 to 4 minutes or until aggregate uniformly is wet.

2. Application

a. Trowel cove base mixture vertically onto primed wall surface at 1/4" thickness.

b. Place material at the cove and form cove radius using and appropriate cove trowel.

c. Terminate bottom of cove base and install mortar flooring up to base.

D. Installation--Grouting and Sealing

The grouting and sealing of the floor should be performed over the entire area receiving the system. The cove base should also receive the same grout and seal coats as the finished floor in order to provide proper performance and appearance. See installation instructions for each system to be installed.

Here is additional information on the installation of this cove.

Do you need to estimate the material required for your job? Use the Epoxy.com Epoxy Coving Material Calculator.

Epoxy.com Product #720 Epoxy Seamless Floor Cove Detail

Click the Picture Above for a Larger View


Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

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