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Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure

Product #2704


Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 is a fast setting, 100% solids epoxy crack  gel and filler used to line, patch, or repair floor and wall surfaces. Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 is the ideal material for repair of surfaces damaged from environmental or chemical attack. Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 can also be used as a base material beneath coating, slurry, and mortar systems to repair before coating.


  • Easy 1 to 1 Mixing Ratio.
  • Putty Consistency Provides Easy Application.
  • Low Odor During Application and Cure-Can be Used in Occupied Facilities.
  • Can be Used in Both Interior and Exterior Applications.
  • Fast Set Provides Rapid Turn Around.


  • Substrate temperature must be a minimum of 50°F.
  • Substrate must be free of dirt, waxes, curing agents, and other foreign materials.
  • Should not be installed on new concrete (at least 30 days after placement).
  • Should not be used where a flexible joint repair material is required.


100% Solids Epoxy Resin with Aliphatic Amines


Surface Preparation is the most critical portion of any successful resinous flooring system application. All substrates must be properly prepared as outlined in Epoxy.com Surface Preparation Procedures. The Epoxy.com technical service department is available to answer any questions.


Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 is mixed by combining equal parts by volume of Part A and Part B. Mix until a consistent color is reached. Small amounts of Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 can be mixed on a mortar board using a spatula. Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 is installed using a trowel, spatula, or knife. For complete installation instructions, contact Epoxy.com Technical Support.


Clean skin with soap and water. Tools and equipment should be cleaned with xylene or lacquer thinner before Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 gels.


Coverage of Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 varies with application. One gallon contains approximately 231 cubic inches. So you will get about 25.6 square feet per 1/16 inch of thickness.


Mixed Consistency Putty
Mixing Ratio 1 Part A to 1 Part B by Volume
Solids Content 100%, by volume
Volatile organic Content (VOC)  -0-
Color Grey (when mixed)
Weight per gallon 8.5-9.0 pounds per gallon mixed



Pot Life 5-7 minutes
Dry to Touch 30-45 minutes
Re-Coat 1-1.5 hours
Sanding Time 2 hrs
Full Cure & Maximum Resistance 5 days


Tensile Strength (ASTM D638) 8,500 psi
Adhesion to Concrete (ACI Comm 403) 350 psi (100% Concrete Failure)
Hardness (ASTM D-2240) 80 (Shore D)
Flexural Strength (ASTM D-790) 8,000 psi
Compressive Strength (AST D-695) 11,000 psi
Service Temperature 150°F (wet) 160°F (dry)
Water Absorption (ASTM D670-73) 0.10% maximum


Contact  Epoxy.com Ordering Department at 321-206-1833


Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 is typically installed as a base material beneath Epoxy.com Flooring Systems. However, if needed, Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 is easily cleaned with neutral soaps or detergents. Routine mechanical scrubbing is recommended for all surfaces having a non-skid texture.


Epoxy.com  provides services and consultations on material selection, specification, troubleshooting, and other information on the proper repair and protection of concrete surfaces. Epoxy.com Sales Representatives and Epoxy.com Technical Services are available to assist you. Call: 352-533-2167  or visit www.Epoxy.com.


You can find more information on Epoxy Gel Adhesive Products, and many of our other products at news.epoxy.com.

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

A Division of Epoxy Systems, Inc
A Vermont Corporation

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