Epoxy.com Seamless Industrial Epoxy Flooring
Highest Quality - Most Durable Seamless Epoxy Floors
Epoxy.com a division of Epoxy Systems, Inc. offers a wide variety
ofSeamless Industrial Flooring Materials. Your industrial flooring needs may
be as simple and inexpensive as Epoxy.com Seamless Industrial Epoxy Floor
Sealing Systems Product #12. It may require special materials
Industrial Flooring and Industrial Coating Systems like
Epoxy.com Vinyl Ester Systems,
Epoxy.com Product #630 or #633 Epoxy Novolac Coating,
or one of our other special Seamless Heavy Duty Industrial Flooring Products.
Your requirements may require decorative materials like Epoxy.com Product #66
#67 & 68 Colored Aggregates
or Epoxy.com Seamless Resurfacing Chips. Both are
very durable, and both can produce stunning results.
Many of Epoxy.com Industrial Flooring Systems are
attractive enough for residential and office flooring. One of the most
widely used Epoxy.com Commercial Flooring Systems -
Epoxy.com Chip Flooring - is a proven workhorse in those areas.
Epoxy.com the products division of Epoxy Systems, Inc.
of Florida and Vermont can assist with it's large
store of experience. Although no longer an installation/contracting firm, Epoxy Systems, Inc.
has engineered, installed, and compounded some for over a quarter century. Most technical service is handled by
the owners and former installers of Epoxy.com Products. They continue to
work the Engineering, Contracting, and Formulating side of the business. If a
heavy duty seamless industrial flooring or industrial coating product does not exactingly meet the requirements of the Engineering and
Contracting side of our business, it will never get sold to for use in Seamless
Industrial Flooring and Seamless Industrial Coating projects. Let us put our
decades of experience to work for you.
Products Typically Used for
Epoxy.com Flooring
Most of Epoxy.com Coatings can also be used to
make seamless floors. Some of the Seamless Flooring Systems below will also
benefit from the use of a Primer.
Contact Epoxy.com Technical Support for details.
- Epoxy Systems Product #10
a 100% solids Lo-Mod Low Viscosity adhesive used as a binder for epoxy
mortar systems in patching and grouting applications, as a seal coat for
non-skid surfaces outside, and as a primer to insure high bond strength for
coatings and patches. Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #10 Lo-Mod Adhesive and Mortar Binder is a 100% solids epoxy has a low modulus of elasticity (flexibility) and is Low Viscosity. An adhesive used as a binder for epoxy mortar systems in patching and grouting applications, as a seal coat for non-skid surfaces outside, and as a primer to insure high bond strength for coatings and patches.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #10 Fast Curing Version.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #10 Cold Temperature Curing Version.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #11 Epoxy Joint Filler is a 100% solids flexible epoxy joint filler for saw-cut joints of concrete slabs on grade, or to repair existing slabs. Epoxy.com Product #11 Epoxy Joint Filler absorbs the impact and shock of heavy loads and steel wheeled traffic, preventing erosion of control joint edges.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #12 Epoxy Primer is a two component, seamless 100% solids epoxy primer system with High Chemical Resistance and High Bond Strength. The epoxy may be applied as a primer for most High End Industrial coatings, like Epoxies, MMA, Polyurethane's, Vinyl Esters, Polyesters, etc.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #15 Chemical Resistant Flooring Resin - a two component, seamless 100% solids epoxy resurfacing system with High Chemical Resistance. It may be applied as a coating, or combined with silica sand or Epoxy.com multi-colored quartz aggregate to produce a durable, easy to maintain floor, on both new and old surfaces. Epoxy.com Product #15 Chemical Resistant Flooring Resin has superior clarity and UV stability.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #17 Decorative Stone Overlay Adhesive Resin - a two component, 100% solids high-mod epoxy adhesive used for bonding stone and other aggregates in all types of flooring applications. Some uses would include patios, pool decks, walkways and other areas where a long wearing and decorative system is desired.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product # 24 Pigmented Mortar is a multipurpose colored epoxy binder for Epoxy.com Mortar Systems This all purpose epoxy resin is characterized as an excellent general purpose material with good clarity and color retention. It is essentially odorless and can therefore be used in occupied areas.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #24 Fast Pigmented Mortar - Fast Cure
- Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #24 Cold Pigmented Mortar - Cold Temperature Cure
- Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #28 Epoxy Mortar - Honey Clear Mortar 4:1 Ratio a multipurpose colored epoxy binder for Epoxy.com Mortar Systems This all purpose epoxy resin is characterized as an excellent general purpose material with good clarity and color retention. It is essentially odorless and can therefore be used in occupied areas.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #29 Cold Temperature Cure Mortar is a specially formulated binder for cold temperature applications. Able to cure at temperatures as low as 35°F. They are often used in coolers and food preparation areas that require constant low temperatures. Product #29 Cold Temperature Cure EPOXY MORTAR is also frequently used in room temperature applications to meet super-fast cure, limited shutdown needs.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #32 Flexible Epoxy Membrane is a flexible resin used as an epoxy membrane and as a Product #32 mortar. Epoxy.com Product #32 Flexible Epoxy Membrane is a two component, 100% solids epoxy used as a base in many Epoxy.com Floor and Mortar Systems. Epoxy.com Product #32 Flexible Epoxy Membrane resists cracking caused by horizontal substrate movement, providing a crack resistant, resilient, sound absorbent, waterproof, durable floor. Epoxy.com Product #32 Flexible Epoxy Membrane offers stress-relieving properties for floor slabs that show movement or vibration.
Epoxy.com Product #32 is excellent for use in areas such as mechanical equipment rooms, large animal rooms and activity centers.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #100 Anti-Moisture Entrapment System uses a unique epoxy technology which allows the contractor to install epoxy system on new concrete (4-5 days old) without fear of moisture entrapment. Epoxy.com Product #100 Anti-Moisture Entrapment System exhibits greater than 100 times the permeability of standard epoxy slurries and mortars. Epoxy.com Product #100 Anti-Moisture Entrapment System is used as a base for Epoxy.com Chip and Quartz systems and as a binder for Epoxy.com Resinous Mortar Systems, when moisture is a concern.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #203 Cold Temperature Cure Polymeric Primer - is often used in coolers and food preparation areas that require constant low temperatures. It is frequently used in room temperature applications to meet super-fast cure, limited shutdown needs.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #204 Cold Temperature Cure Polymeric Coating
- is a specially formulated coating for cold temperature applications. Able to cure at temperatures as low as 35°F. It is often used in coolers and food preparation areas that require constant low temperatures. It is also frequently used in room temperature applications to meet super-fast cure, limited shutdown needs.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #206 Cold Temperature Cure Pigmented Polymeric Flooring Resin is a specially formulated binder for cold temperature applications. Able to cure at temperatures as low as 35°F. It is often used in coolers and food preparation areas that require constant low temperatures. Epoxy.com Product #206 Cold Temperature Cure Pigmented Polymeric Flooring Resin is also frequently used in room temperature applications to meet super-fast cure, limited shutdown needs. Is available in clear or colors.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #214 - This
material was originally designed as a bar top and casting resin, but has
been used where super-flat floors are required. It has been used in clean
rooms used to produce equipment for the space industry. It has also been
used to level the floors of network television studios. It has been
used to level stages and and dance floors in NY and Los Vegas. Product
#214 is an all-purpose, low viscosity Epoxy System that forms a glossy, hard surface, which is resistant to stains. Epoxy.com Product #214 Tabletop Resin has excellent clarity and color retention. It is essentially odorless and can therefore be used in occupied areas.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #224 Water Cleanable Epoxy Mortar Resin is a user friendly, water cleanable, 100% solids epoxy grout and adhesive. Used for grouting ceramic tile, brick pavers, and stone, it is supplied in pre-packaged kits containing resin, hardener, and (in the
Epoxy.com Product #225 Water Cleanable Epoxy Mortar Resin Kit) mineral fillers that produce a dense, uniform seal. Typical applications for #224 require resistance to thermal shock, chemicals, and heavy traffic including meat packers, breweries, canneries, bottlers, CIP areas, and pharmaceutical formulators.
- Epoxy.com Product #225 Water Cleanable Epoxy Mortar Kit - includes
Epoxy.com Product #224 along with the aggregate. Mix the three components together for a ready to use system.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #235 Chemical Resistant Novolac Epoxy Tile Grout and Adhesive is a highly chemical resistant, industrial grade, Novolac epoxy grout for ceramic tile, quarry tile, brick pavers, and stone. Epoxy.com Product #235 Chemical Resistant Novolac Epoxy Tile Grout and Adhesive is supplied in pre-packaged kits containing resin, hardener, and mineral fillers that produce a dense, uniform seal. Typical applications for Epoxy.com Product #235 Chemical Resistant Novolac Epoxy Tile Grout and Adhesive require superior resistance to thermal shock, chemicals, and heavy traffic found in the harsh environments of dairies, bakeries, meat packers, breweries, canneries, bottlers, distilleries, and pharmaceutical plants.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #315BC Polymeric Coating and Base Coat for the 315Chip Flooring System. It can also be used as a stand alone coating. If Epoxy.com Product #315BC is used as a stand alone coating over concrete, it is recommended that you first prime with Product #899 Primer.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #315BC - Fast Same as Product #315BCPolymeric Coating for Base Coat for the 315Chip Flooring System, but with a fast cure.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #315BC-Cold Similar to Product #315BC Polymeric Coating for Base Coat for the 315Chip Flooring System, but with a cold temperature cure.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #402 - 2 Component Chemical Resistant Coating - is a two component chemical resistant polyurethane coating with gloss finish offers excellent abrasion resistance, chemical and stain resistance, and color retention. Epoxy.com Product #402 - 2 Component Chemical Resistant Coating can be used equally well on vertical or horizontal surfaces. It is ideal for concrete floors and walls in warehouses, storage facilities, aircraft hangers, animal housing, and vehicle maintenance facilities. Product is not for use in California.
- Epoxy.com Product #629 Chemical Resistant Conductive Flooring is a 100% solids epoxy Novolac Conductive coating ideal for severe chemical and solvent storage requiring conductive and spark proof surfaces. Applied at a nominal 1/16 inch, the
Epoxy.com Product #629 Chemical Resistant Conductive Flooring offers the superior chemical resistance of a Novolac Resin System while maintaining a conductive surface.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #630 Novolac Coating/Mortar Binder - a 100% solids epoxy Novolac ideal for harsh chemical and solvent resistant applications. It is ideal for use as a troweled mortar, slurry binder, and coating for concrete and steel in extremely corrosive areas where resistance to 98% sulfuric acid or other strong caustics is needed.
Epoxy.com Product #630 Novolac Coating/Mortar Binder is ideal for use as a protective coating for concrete and steel in the extremely corrosive areas of chemical plants and pulp mills secondary containment areas, water and waste treatment, and gas and electric utilities.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #632 Novolac Control Joint Filler
is a 100% solids flexible Novolac epoxy Chemical Resistant joint filler for saw-cut joints of concrete slabs on grade.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #633 Novolac Coating is a 100% solids epoxy Novolac coating ideal for harsh chemical and solvent resistant applications. It is used in secondary containment, solvent storage, pump pads, trenches, and other high exposure areas. It is ideal for use as a protective coating for concrete and steel in the extremely corrosive areas of chemical plants and pulp mills secondary containment areas, water and waste treatment, and gas and electric utilities.
Epoxy.com Product #633 Novolac Coating is commonly used as a seal coat for
Epoxy.com MORTAR SYSTEMS where chemical resistant performance is required.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #670 Vinyl Ester General Purpose is formulated from a vinyl ester, low viscosity resin of 100% reactive solids in a composite with inorganic fiber reinforcement. It provides the ultimate in chemically resistant properties to prevent deterioration where reactive chemicals exist.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #671 Conductive Primer/Sealer is a low viscosity, two component, carbon filled, polyamide modified conductive primer/sealer formulated with special wetting agents to provide maximum penetration into concrete surfaces.
Epoxy.com Product #671 Conductive Primer/Sealer is ideal for both new and old concrete surfaces.
Epoxy.com Product #671 Conductive Primer/Sealer provides excellent resistance to wear, and can be used either alone or as a conductive sealer or as a conductive primer when used with
Epoxy.com product #674 Electro-Static Dissipating Urethane Topcoat and
Epoxy.com Conductive Systems.
- Product #672 Conductive Epoxy is a two component, 100% solids epoxy/aggregate material that utilizes the latest in conductive floor technology.
Product #672 Conductive Epoxy can be installed as a coating or as a component to Epoxy.com Flooring Systems. It can also include
Epoxy.com Elastomeric Membranes to produce waterproof, crack resistant Systems. Typical Uses of include: Ammunitions Facilities, Paint and Solvent Storage Areas, Electronic Component Plants Hazardous Materials Storage Areas.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
- Epoxy.com Product #674 - Electrostatic Dissipative Urethane Coating is a two component, Electrostatic Dissipative chemical resistant, polyurethane coating. The high gloss finish offers excellent abrasion resistance, chemical and stain resistance, and superior color retention.
Epoxy.com Product #674 - Electrostatic Dissipative Urethane Coating can be used equally well on vertical or horizontal surfaces. It is ideal for concrete floors and walls in warehouses, storage facilities, aircraft hangars, animal housing, and vehicle maintenance facilities. Available in both clear and pigmented formulations,
Epoxy.com Product #674 - Electrostatic Dissipative Urethane Coating can be used as a finish coating option for most Epoxy.com Flooring Systems.
- Epoxy.com Product #675 Electrostatic Dissipating Water Borne Epoxy Topcoat is a pigmented, water emulsion epoxy electro-static dissipative finish designed to have maximum penetration into concrete surfaces to provide high bond strength and adhesion. It has very low odor and can be used in occupied areas as a finish sealer in Thin-Film Electro-Static Dissipative Coating Systems.
Methyl Methacrylate - MMA
684LV - MMA CONCRETE CRACK HEALER and SEALER is a 100% reactive ultra-low viscosity methyl methacrylate resin used as a penetrating crack sealer or to fortify extremely porous concrete substrates.
Product #684LV is typically used on bridge decks, parking structures or as a general penetrating sealer to prevent moisture
intrusion. Replaces Product #685
Product #690 Medium Viscosity Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Sealer and Top Coating
is a 100% reactive, medium viscosity methyl methacrylate resin
developed as a sealer/topcoat over Product #697
and Product #698 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Flooring and Decking Systems.
Product #691 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Primer is a 100% reactive
methyl methacrylate primer for all Epoxy.com MMA floor and wall systems.
Product #691 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Flooring Primer also provides excellent filling and sealing as a
scratch work filler (with filler added) to level uneven floor and wall surfaces.
Product #691 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Flooring Primer is a reactive Methacrylate resin, which hardens rapidly with the addition of
Product #695 MMA
hardener, even at low temperatures.
Product #692 MMA Membrane is a Flexible Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Flooring, Decking Bridge Mortar Resin is a higher
viscosity, 100% reactive, flexible methyl Methacrylate resin used as a crack isolation or waterproofing membrane under
Epoxy.com MMA Systems. Product #692 Flexible Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) resists cracking caused by horizontal
substrate movement providing a crack resistant, resilient surface.
Product #692 Flexible Methyl Methacrylate
(MMA) offers stress relieving properties for floor slabs showing movement and/or vibration.
Product #693 MMA Coating is a 100% reactive, medium viscosity methyl
methacrylate resin developed as a topcoat for exterior or interior use with Epoxy.com MMA Systems.
#695 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Coating is semi-flexible for outside use and will not yellow after curing. Its excellent
clarity makes it ideal for sealing color quartz and vinyl flake systems. It is excellent for exterior applications such as
parking decks, concrete and steel stairs, ramps, and numerous other applications.
Product #695 Hardener Powder (BPO)
for Epoxy.com MMA Flooring Systems is for use with
Products #691, #692 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Membrane and #693 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Coating.
Product #695 Hardener Powder (BPO) for Epoxy.com MMA Flooring Systems dosing can be changed due to temperature and desired set time /
working time. Product #695 must be well mixed with Epoxy.com MMA before adding any other aggregates and fillers. After mixing the
Product #695 Hardening Powder into Epoxy.com MMA the polymerization reaction which leads to the hardening of the MMA begins.
Product #697 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Binder Resin - a 100% reactive methyl methacrylate binder resin and top coat for self leveling, broadcasting, and troweled mortar systems.
Product #697 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Binder Resin is ideal for decorative troweled and broadcast quartz floors and industrial surfacing subject to heavy loads and traffic.
Product #698 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Binder Resin is a 100% reactive, low viscosity, flexible methyl methacrylate resin for use as a binder for low resin content troweled mortars and polymer concrete.
The resin is ideal for making repairs and to change the slope on floors, bridge decks and joint headers.
Product #699 Low Viscosity Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Sealer is a 100% reactive, low viscosity methyl methacrylate resin developed as a chemical resistant sealer/topcoat.
Product #699 Low Viscosity Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Sealer cures to a hard, scratch and wear resistant surface and is specifically designed for dry service in areas subjected to high traffic
such as manufacturing areas, aisles, lobbies, service areas, and numerous other applications.
- Product #12 Epoxy Primer and Epoxy Sealer
is a two component, seamless 100% solids epoxy primer system with High Chemical Resistance
Epoxy and High Bond Strength. The epoxy may be applied as a primer for
most High End Industrial coatings, like Epoxies, MMA, Polyurethane's, Vinyl
Esters, Polyesters, etc.
- Epoxy.com Product #80 Acrylic Sealer- a clear acrylic solution formulated to create a clear, non-yellowing protective coating. Epoxy.com Product #80 Acrylic Sealer provides a tough, UV and abrasion resistant film that effectively protects surfaces from moisture penetration, staining, dirt, dust, and wear. Providing a surface that is easy to clean and maintain, Epoxy.com Product #80 Acrylic Sealer is an excellent choice for both interior and exterior applications.
- Epoxy.com Product #201 Oil Stop Primer for instances petroleum can penetrate the surface of a two component, epoxy-amine undercoating designed to be compatible with petroleum based oil and greases. In many instances petroleum can penetrate the surface of concrete floors to the extent that the oil may not be removed by surface cleaning. If untreated, this oil may migrate back to the surface to cause a delamination.
- Product #231 - Water Based
Epoxy Emulsion Primer and Sealer is a water based epoxy primer/sealer designed to have maximum resin penetration into concrete surfaces to provide high bond strength and adhesion. Product #231 Water
Based Epoxy Emulsion Primer and Sealer has very low odor and, therefore, can be used in occupied areas. Product #231 Water Emulsion Primer and Sealer has the ability to be applied to recently poured (green) concrete and achieve excellent adhesion. Product #231 Water Emulsion Primer and Sealer is ideal for both new and old concrete surfaces. It is used as a primer for High Build and Thin Film Coating Systems.
Replace Product #222.
- Product #830 Epoxy Moisture Vapor treatment is a two component modified epoxy system designed to seal concrete and reduce moisture vapor transmission prior to applying finished flooring.
Product #830 Epoxy Moisture Vapor treatment has proven to reduce moisture vapor emissions and be resistant to damage from high alkalinity.
Product #830 Epoxy Moisture Vapor treatment is an environmentally friendly material containing no hydrocarbons or other solvents making it zero (0) VOC.
- Product #899 Epoxy Primer is a moisture insensitive 100% solids Low-Mod Low Viscosity Primer and Sealer. It may be used as a primer for any Epoxy.com product, or as a stand alone sealer.
Zero (0) VOC Epoxy.
Job Supplies - for roller applications 
Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.
Installation Tips,
Techdata, &
MSDS for more details on our products.
Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.
For more information please contact:
A Division of Epoxy Systems, Inc
A Vermont Corporation
We have products that have passed the test of time as well as the best new Systems available today.
Since 1980 - 40 years of the highest quality products
Hours: 9AM-4PM Eastern Time (6AM-1PM Pacific Time)
Closed for lunch from 12Noon to 1PM
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Technical Support
352-533-2167 Norm Lambert, President - Technical Support Director
352-489-1666 Accounting and Administration
Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO
352-489-1625 Fax line to all Departments
Copyright © 1994-2022 (providing
online information about the right product for the right job for over 25 years) EPOXY.COM a
division of Epoxy Systems, Inc. -
Florida and Vermont. All rights reserved.
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