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Product Catalog of Epoxy

Epoxy Resins, Hardeners and, Other Construction Resins

Below is a current list of products.  In addition to the products below, we also have products which we can "custom" make to your specifications. This page is the most  frequently updated on our website.  So please check this page often, to see our latest product additions.

Product #1All Purpose Epoxy Coating    is a 100% solids epoxy Hi-Build epoxy coating used for high foot and light forklift traffic areas where abrasion resistance is required; for protection against mild corrosion; and as a decorative waterproof coating for walls, floors, tanks, etc. Available in normal, fast, and Cold Temperature Cure versions. Product #1 Fast Setting Epoxy  - is a shorter pot life, and faster setting version of Product #1, Product #1 Cold Temperature Cure Epoxy  is a version of Product #1 that sets even faster than Product#1 Fast.  Typically used in colder temperatures, or where an very fast cure is required.

Product #1W Wall Grade Epoxy  is a two component, 100% solids epoxy Hi-Build epoxy coating used for high indoor traffic areas where abrasion resistance is required; for protection against mild corrosion; and as a decorative waterproof coating for walls, tanks, etc.

Product #1 NT  Electrostatic Dissipative Epoxy Coating for Flooring is an ultra high solids bis-A epoxy floor coating designed to provide electrostatic control properties to various surfaces including concrete or other nonconductive substrates.

Product #2 Chemical Resistant Epoxy Coating   is a two component, 100% solids epoxy chemical resistant coating used to protect chemical concrete, steel and other structural materials from non-oxidizing acids and alkalines for both interior and exterior applications. Available in normal, fast, and Cold Temperature Cure. Product #2 Fast Cure Epoxy Coating  is a  shorter pot life, and faster setting version of Product #2 Product #2 Cold Temperature Cure Epoxy Coating  is a version of that sets even faster than Product#2 Fast Cure.  Typically used in colder temperatures, or where an very fast cure is required to reduce turn around time. Product #2W Chemical Resistant Epoxy Wall Coating   is a two component, 100% solids epoxy chemical resistant coating used to protect chemical concrete, steel and other structural materials from non-oxidizing acids and alkalines for both interior and exterior applications.

Product#6 Gel - Normal Setting Epoxy Adhesive See Epoxy.com Product #2006.

Product #10 Lo-Mod Epoxy Adhesive and Mortar Epoxy Binder is a 100% solids epoxy has a low modulus of elasticity (flexibility) and  is Low Viscosity.  An adhesive used as a binder for epoxy mortar systems in patching and grouting applications, as a seal coat for non-skid surfaces outside, and as a primer to insure high bond strength for coatings and patches.  

Product #10  Fast Curing Epoxy Version of Product #10 Lo-Mod Epoxy Adhesive and Mortar Binder.

Product #10  Cold Temperature Curing Epoxy Version of Product #10 Lo-Mod Epoxy Adhesive and Mortar Binder.

Product #11 Flexible Epoxy Joint Filler is a 100% solids flexible epoxy joint filler for saw-cut joints of concrete slabs on grade, or to repair existing slabs.  Product #11 Flexible Epoxy Joint Filler absorbs the impact and shock of heavy loads and steel wheeled traffic, preventing erosion of control joint edges.

Product #12 Epoxy Primer and Epoxy Sealer is a two component, seamless 100% solids epoxy primer system with High Chemical Resistance Epoxy  and High Bond Strength. The epoxy may be applied as a primer for most High End Industrial coatings, like Epoxies, MMA, Polyurethane's, Vinyl Esters, Polyesters, etc.

Product #15 Chemical Resistant Epoxy Flooring Resin  is a two component, seamless 100% solids epoxy resurfacing system with High Chemical Resistance. It may be applied as a coating, or combined with silica sand or multi-colored epoxy quartz aggregate to produce a durable, easy to maintain floor, on both new and old surfaces. Product #15 Chemical Resistant Epoxy Flooring Resin has superior clarity and UV stability.

Product #17 Decorative Stone Overlay Epoxy Adhesive Resin is a two component, 100% solids high-mod epoxy adhesive used for bonding stone and other aggregates in all types of flooring applications. Some uses would include patios, pool decks, walkways and other areas where a long wearing and decorative system is desired. 

Product # 24 Pigmented Epoxy Mortar Resin is a multipurpose colored epoxy binder for Epoxy Mortar Systems This all purpose epoxy resin is characterized as an excellent general purpose material with good clarity and color retention. It is essentially odorless and can therefore be used in occupied areas.  Product #24 Fast Pigmented Mortar sets about twice as fast as the normal cure. Product #24 Cold  Pigmented Mortar allows installation to be done at low temperatures as low as 35°F. to 40°F. This epoxy resin is zero (0) VOC, so it meets even the strictest low VOC requirements, and meets Indoor Environmental Quality/Air Quality Before Occupancy Materials meet the requirement for VOC content pertaining to LEED IEQ 4.2 Indoor Emitting Materials Credit. See the individual product component technical data sheets and MSDS for further information.

Product #28 Epoxy Mortar - Honey Clear Epoxy Mortar 4:1 Ratio a multipurpose colored epoxy binder for Epoxy Mortar Systems This all purpose epoxy resin is characterized as an excellent general purpose material with good clarity and color retention. It is essentially odorless and can therefore be used in occupied areas.

Product #29 Cold Temperature Cure Epoxy Mortar   is a specially formulated binder for cold temperature applications. Able to cure at temperatures as low as 35°F. They are often used in coolers and food preparation areas that require constant low temperatures. Product #29 Cold Temperature Cure EPOXY MORTAR is also frequently used in room temperature applications to meet super-fast cure, limited shutdown needs.

Product #32 Flexible Epoxy Membrane is a flexible resin used as an epoxy membrane and as a Product #32 mortar. Product #32 Flexible Epoxy Membrane is a two component, 100% solids epoxy used as a base in many Epoxy.com Floor and Mortar Systems. Product #32 Flexible Epoxy Membrane resists cracking caused by horizontal substrate movement, providing a crack resistant, resilient, sound absorbent, waterproof, durable floor. Product #32 Flexible Epoxy Membrane offers stress-relieving properties for floor slabs that show movement or vibration. Our Product #32 is excellent for use in areas such as mechanical equipment rooms, large animal rooms and activity centers.

Product # 33 Epoxy Block Filler

Product #39 Silane and Siloxane Penetrating Sealer is a one component water based multifunctional self-crosslinking water soluable alkylalkoxy silane and siloxane designed to treat a wide variety of mineral substrates including architectural concrete, concrete block, split face block, pavers, stucco, porous and dense brick, clay tile, exposed aggregate concrete, sandstone, and slate.

Product #52 (small), #52M (medium) and #53 (large) Synthetic Anti-Skid Additive is a lightweight, durable, optically clear thermoset polycarbonate aggregate. Epoxy.com Synthetic Anti-Skid Additive is added to clear or pigmented polymer resin topcoats to create a skid-resistant textured finish. Available in small, medium and large.

Product #63 EVA Expansion Joint  a water-tight cross-linked closed-cell Ethylene Vinyl Acetate expanded foam material that exhibits unique properties when used in expansion contraction joints. Product #63 EVA Expansion Joint is a water-tight cross-linked closed-cell Ethylene Vinyl Acetate expanded foam material that exhibits unique properties when used in expansion contraction joints. Product #63 EVA Expansion Joint is water-tight and exhibits good chemical resistance properties to most mild non-oxidizing acids, alkalines and petroleum products.  

Product #66 Round Quartz Colored Fine  -  a pure silica sand as the basic mineral. Silica is an extremely hard abrasion resistant and chemically inert mineral, ideal for use in conditions that - at times - may be severe. Flooring surfaces produced with high density silica combined with Industrial Flooring Resins produced by us consistently show greater resistance to wear than surfaces filled with minerals or many other resins or binders.

Product #67 Rounded Quartz Colored Medium  Aggregates - Similar to Product #66, but larger.

Product #68 Angular Quartz  - Similar to Product #66 but angular

Product #71 Fumed Silica Thixotropic Agent for thickening epoxy resin and other plural component resin systems.

Product #77 Broadcast Sand

Product #78 Self Leveling Filler - is a specially graded blend of fine dry silica sands, designed as a self leveling filler for Epoxy.com  100%Solids Epoxy Mortar Products.  It is dried before bagging. Product #78 Self Leveling Filler works best when being used with a low viscosity resin like Product #10, Product #24 and Product #28.  The amount of Product #78 Self Leveling Filler that you add can be varied for the application.

Product #80 Acrylic Sealer-  a clear acrylic solution formulated to create a clear, non-yellowing protective coating. Product #80 Acrylic Sealer provides a tough, UV and abrasion resistant film that effectively protects surfaces from moisture penetration, staining, dirt, dust, and wear. Providing a surface that is easy to clean and maintain, Product #80 Acrylic Sealer is an excellent choice for both interior and exterior applications.

Product #82 Mortar Blend Aggregate 

Product #101 Epoxy Body Coat is an epoxy coating for commercial and light industrial floors. Product #101 Epoxy Body Coat is designed for slurry and self-leveling epoxy flooring applications. Product #101 Epoxy Body Coat helps to smooth seamless epoxy floors that are to receive Seamless Epoxy Flooring and Seamless Epoxy Coating (paint) systems. Product #101 Epoxy Body Coat provides an extra thickness to protect the substrate from chemical attack. Product #101 Epoxy Body Coat protects the substrate from impact and adds additional abrasion resistance to Seamless Epoxy Flooring and Epoxy.com Seamless Epoxy Coating (paint) systems.

Product #201 Epoxy Oil Stop Primer for instances petroleum can penetrate the surface of a two component, epoxy-amine undercoating designed to be compatible with petroleum based oil and greases. In many instances petroleum can penetrate the surface of concrete floors to the extent that the oil may not be removed by surface cleaning. If untreated, this oil may migrate back to the surface to cause a delamination.

Coal Tar Epoxy Product #209 is a two component 100% solids epoxy coating designed for applications to petroleum contaminated concrete, coating asphalt based surfaces, clean concrete, cement, and properly prepared steel.

Product #214 Epoxy Tabletop Resin -  an all-purpose, low viscosity Epoxy System for coating wooden counter tops, tabletops, bar tops and similar applications. Product #214 Tabletop Resin forms a glossy, hard surface, which is resistant to stains. Product #214 Tabletop Resin has excellent clarity and color retention. It is essentially odorless and can therefore be used in occupied areas

Product #241 Low VOC Acrylic Sealer is a clear acrylic emulsion formulated to create a clear, non-yellowing, protective coating. Product #241 Acrylic Sealer with Low VOCs provides a tough, UV, and abrasion resistant film that protects surfaces from moisture penetration, staining, dirt, dust, wear, and provides a surface that is easy to clean and maintain. Product #241 Acrylic Sealer is an excellent choice for both interior and exterior applications.

Product #301 Injection Resin, low Modulus  - a 100% solids low viscosity epoxy adhesive used to restore cracked structural concrete by the pressure injection method and to grout cracks in a horizontal plane by gravity.

Product #301SC  Slow Cure Injection Resin Low Mod  is a longer Potlife version of Product #301

Product #301Cold Temperature Cured Epoxy Injection Resin  a faster version of Product #301 typically used in Cold Temperature Cure applications, or where a very fast set is needed

Product #315 Glaze for Epoxy Chip Flooring is a seamless, plural component, liquid applied, 100% solids polymeric colored flake floor resurfacing system with superior wear, and chemical resistance. Product #315 with "multi-colored" flakes produces a durable, easy to maintain Chip Flooring, on both new and old surfaces.  

Product #315BC Coating and Base Coat for the  315 Epoxy Chip Flooring System. It can also be used as a stand alone coating. If Product #315BC is used as a stand alone coating over concrete, it is recommended that you first prime with Product #899 Primer.

Product #315BC Fast Cure is the same as Product #315BC Polymeric Coating for  Base Coat for the 315Chip Flooring System, but with a fast cure.

Product #315BC Cold Cure is similar to Product #315BC Polymeric Coating for Base Coat for the 315Chip Flooring System, but with a cold temperature cure.

Product #340 Colored Chips for Epoxy.com Chip Flooring  

Product #402 - 2 Component Chemical Resistant Coating  is a two component chemical resistant polyurethane coating with gloss finish offers excellent abrasion resistance, chemical and stain resistance, and color retention. Product #402  - 2 Component Chemical Resistant Coating can be used equally well on vertical or horizontal surfaces. It is ideal for concrete floors and walls in warehouses, storage facilities, aircraft hangers, animal housing, and vehicle maintenance facilities. Product is not for use in California Use Product #406 - Two Component Low VOC Chemical Resistant Urethane Coating when a California Compliant low VOC product is required, or desired.

Product #406 is a two component, chemical resistant, polyurethane coating. Product #406 is a low VOC compliant urethane that meets all federal and state environmental air quality standards. The high gloss finish offers excellent abrasion resistance, chemical and stain resistance, and superior color retention.Product #406 Chemical Resistant Urethane can be used equally well on vertical or horizontal surfaces. It is ideal for concrete floors and walls in warehouses, storage facilities, aircraft hangars, animal housing, and vehicle maintenance facilities. Available in both clear and pigmented formulations,Product#406 Duel Component Chemical Resistant Urethane can be used as a finish coating option for most Flooring Systems. Available in smaller quantities in clear only. There is a 30 gallon minimum for pigmented.

Product # 441 Urethane Coating and Sealing Resin  is a two component water-based aliphatic (non-yellowing) polyurethane. It is free of the health and environmental problems normally found in solvent-based urethanes, while maintaining excellent performance properties.  Product # 441 Urethane Coating and Sealing Resin provides a matte finish.  Product # 441 Urethane Coating and Sealing Resin  has good chemical, stain, and mar resistance. In addition, it is easy to clean and has excellent color retention under heavy foot traffic. It is a high performance coating for use in a variety of seamless floor and wall coating systems.  Product # 441 Urethane Coating and Sealing Resin eliminates the strong solvent odor normally associated with many high performance materials. It is ideal for topcoats and finishes that require high abrasion resistance. Typical application areas are clean rooms, hospitals, pharmaceutical facilities, stained concrete, wood floors, and as a seal coat for most Epoxy.com floor and wall coating systems.

Product  #442 is a two component water- based aliphatic (non-yellowing) polyurethane. Product #442 is free of the health and environmental problems normally found in solvent-based urethanes, while maintaining excellent performance properties. Product #442 is also available in an ESD formulation which must be applied over a base coat of Epoxy.com Conductive Epoxy. This product is similar to #441 above but is glossy.

Product #459 is a two component, high solids, elastomeric urethane used in waterproofing applications. Product #459 exhibits excellent elongation properties along with high tensile strength and tear resistance to make it an ideal crack resistant membrane for use under other Epoxy.com flooring systems. Product #459 is also used with our Elastomeric Systems.

Product #461 Ultra High Solids Aliphatic Urethane is a two component, chemical resistant, ultra high solids aliphatic polyurethane coating designed to be used where there is high traffic and high abrasion resistance required. Product #461 is a low VOC, compliant urethane that meets all federal and state environmental air quality standards, except Los Angeles SCAQMD counties. The high gloss or satin finish offers excellent abrasion resistance, chemical and stain resistance.

Product #467 Urethane Top Coating - is a single component aliphatic urethane topcoat used to seal our Elastomeric Urethane Decking Systems. Exhibiting excellent resistance to ultraviolet degradation, Product #467 Urethane Top Coating provides a high-build, chemically resistant finish.

Product #488 UV Stable Aliphatic Polyurethane Coating is a two component, ultra high solids, aliphatic polyurethane designed to provide high gloss, UV stable (non-yellowing) and chemical resistant protection. Product #488 Aliphatic Polyurethane Coating is a superior, new generation product exhibiting fast cure time and excellent stain resistance. Product #488 Aliphatic Polyurethane  Coating has very low odor and can be applied indoors in occupied areas. Product #488 Aliphatic Polyurethane  Coating is generally used as a clear or pigmented high gloss finish  Epoxy.com decorative and industrial flooring systems such as Epoxy.com Chip Flooring (garage floor finish).

System #495 Elastomeric Polyurethane Traffic Membrane System- is an Elastomeric Urethane Membrane System, that is liquid applied.  System #495 Elastomeric Polyurethane Traffic Membrane System is seamless, elastomeric (flexible), and UV.  Thee qualities make it an excellent choice for outside applications in direct sun and weather, where water tightness, durability, and excellent appearance is required. Its elastomeric properties will allow horizontal movements up to 1/8 inch without breaking. System #495 Elastomeric Polyurethane Traffic Membrane System has excellent abrasion and chemical resistance.  The surface of System #495 Elastomeric Polyurethane Traffic Membrane System can be varied to achieve the required anti-skid and decorative look.

Product #502 Polyester Hardener 1 oz.

Product #503 Polyester Hardener 4 oz.

Product #504 Polyester Paste Gray is a fast-setting industrial filler paste used for manufacturing, fabrication and repair in aircraft, aerospace and other industries having requirements for above normal temperature exposure. Fast and permanent applications are achieved by Product #504 Polyester Paste Gray. The service temperature of Product #504 Polyester Paste Gray is up to 400° F (205° C). It is used in the construction industry to seal cracks for injection and for patches used on concrete, wood, steel and other suitable construction materials. Excellent machining and finishing results are accomplished by grinding, sanding, scraping, etc. When exposed to elevated temperatures, Product #504 Polyester Paste Grayhas a tendency to darken but does not gas, bubble, or cause any finish distortion. This product does not contain wax and readily bonds to itself and other substrates such as FRP/SMC, hi-temp epoxy molds, aluminum, steel, cast iron, urethane foam parts, etc. Product #504 Polyester Paste Gray is non-metallic, non-conductive, and non-sparking. 

Product #505 Polyester Paste Black is a fast-setting industrial filler paste used for manufacturing, fabrication and repair in aircraft, aerospace and other industries having requirements for above normal temperature exposure. Fast and permanent applications are achieved by Product #505 Polyester Paste Black. The service temperature of Product #505 Polyester Paste Black is up to 400° F (205° C). It is used in the construction industry to seal cracks for injection and for patches used on concrete, wood, steel and other suitable construction materials. Excellent machining and finishing results are accomplished by grinding, sanding, scraping, etc. When exposed to elevated temperatures, Product #505 Polyester Paste Black has a tendency to darken but does not gas, bubble, or cause any finish distortion. This product does not contain wax and readily bonds to itself and other substrates such as FRP/SMC, hi-temp epoxy molds, aluminum, steel, cast iron, urethane foam parts, etc. Product #505 Polyester Paste Black is non-metallic, non-conductive, and non-sparking. 

Product #630 Novolac Coating/Mortar Binder - a 100% solids epoxy Novolac ideal for harsh chemical and solvent resistant applications. It is ideal for use as a troweled mortar, slurry binder, and coating for concrete and steel in extremely corrosive areas where resistance to 98% sulfuric acid or other strong caustics is needed. Product #630 Novolac Coating/Mortar Binder is ideal for use as a protective coating for concrete and steel in the extremely corrosive areas of chemical plants and pulp mills secondary containment areas, water and waste treatment, and gas and electric utilities.

Product #630 Conductive Chemical Resistant Conductive Flooring is a 100% solids epoxy Novolac Conductive coating ideal for severe chemical and solvent storage requiring conductive and spark proof surfaces. Applied at a nominal 1/16 inch, the Product #630 Conductive Chemical Resistant Conductive Flooring offers the superior chemical resistance of a Novolac Resin System while maintaining a conductive surface.

Product #632 Novolac Control Joint Filler  is a 100% solids flexible Novolac epoxy Chemical Resistant joint filler for saw-cut joints of concrete slabs on grade.

Product #633 Novolac Coating is a 100% solids epoxy Novolac coating ideal for harsh chemical and solvent resistant applications. It is used in secondary containment, solvent storage, pump pads, trenches, and other high exposure areas. It is ideal for use as a protective coating for concrete and steel in the extremely corrosive areas of chemical plants and pulp mills secondary containment areas, water and waste treatment, and gas and electric utilities. Product #633 Novolac Coating is commonly used as a seal coat for Epoxy MORTAR SYSTEMS where chemical resistant performance is required. 

Product #633W Wall Grade Epoxy Novolac  is a 100% solids wall grade epoxy Novolac coating ideal for harsh chemical and solvent environments. 633W designates High Viscosity formulation for improved film build on vertical surfaces. Epoxy #633W can be used as a seal coat for various Epoxy.com products and systems where extreme chemical resistant performance is required, such as secondary containment, solvent storage, pump pads, trenches, chemical process areas, and other high exposure areas. Epoxy Novolac Wall Coating is 100% solids, modified amine adduct cured epoxy Novolac (Novolac epoxy) resin.

Product #655 Epoxy Novolac Chemical Resistant Crack Filler is a two component 100% solids Epoxy Novolac crack filler (gel) designed for shallow repairs on either vertical or horizontal surfaces. Because Epoxy Novolac Product #655 is a 100% solids formulation, it can be applied thicker on horizontal surfaces when required.

Product #659 Conductive Epoxy Primer is a water-based, two component, carbon-filled conductive epoxy primer designed for use with various Epoxy.com Conductive Systems. Product #659  has very low odor making it suitable for use in occupied buildings.

Product #660 Universal Primer - used as a primer for Epoxy.com Novolac Vinyl Ester and Vinyl Ester Systems. is a one component, moisture cured polyurethane aluminum filled primer and coating. Its low viscosity, high "wetting" characteristics, and creep, undercutting, and blistering resistance make Product #660 Universal Primer and Finish a superior primer and finish coat. Product #660 Universal Primer and Finish undergoes a rapid molecular weight change as it polymerizes into a high molecular weight finish with excellent corrosion and abrasion resistance.

Product #661 Vinyl Ester Binder Adhesive is a clear, 100% reactive, vinyl ester novolac used to coat or line concrete or steel surfaces in chemically aggressive industrial environments. It is used for coating primary and secondary containment, trenches, troughs, pump pads, and equipment.

Product #662 Vinyl Ester Aggregate

Product #663 Vinyl Ester Coating is a 100% reactive, vinyl ester novolac used to coat concrete or steel surfaces in chemically aggressive industrial environments.  Due to its high molecular weight and low permeability, it will withstand exposure to bond range of acids, caustic and solvents. It is designed as a coating for secondary containment, trenches, troughs, pump pads, equipment and structural members. Low Temperature accelerators are available for positive cure at temperatures down as low as 33° F.

Product #668 Conductive Epoxy Primer is a water-based, two component, carbon-filled conductive epoxy primer designed for use with various Epoxy.com Conductive Systems. Product #668 Conductive Epoxy Primer has very low odor making it suitable for use in occupied buildings.

Epoxy.com Product #671 Conductive Primer/Sealer  is a low viscosity, two component, carbon filled, polyamide modified conductive primer/sealer formulated with special wetting agents to provide maximum penetration into concrete surfaces. Epoxy.com Product #671 Conductive Primer/Sealer is ideal for both new and old concrete surfaces. Epoxy.com Product #671 Conductive Primer/Sealer provides excellent resistance to wear, and can be used either alone or as a conductive sealer or as a conductive primer when used with Product #674 Electro-Static Dissipating Urethane Topcoat and Epoxy.com Conductive Systems. Only available in quantities of 30 gallons or more. For smaller orders use Epoxy.com Product #2671.

Product #672 Conductive Epoxy  is a two component, 100% solids epoxy/aggregate material that utilizes the latest in conductive floor technology. Product #672 Conductive Epoxy can be installed as a coating or as a component to Epoxy.com Flooring Systems. It can also include Epoxy.com Elastomeric Membranes to produce waterproof, crack resistant Systems. Typical Uses of include: Ammunitions Facilities, Paint and Solvent Storage Areas, Electronic Component Plants Hazardous Materials Storage Areas

Product #675 Electrostatic Dissipating Water Borne Epoxy Topcoat is a pigmented, water emulsion epoxy electro-static dissipative finish designed to have maximum penetration into concrete surfaces to provide high bond strength and adhesion. It has very low odor and can be used in occupied areas as a finish sealer in Thin-Film Electro-Static Dissipative Coating Systems.

Product #676 Novolac Epoxy Chemical Resistant Conductive Floor Coating is a 100% solids - Zero (0) VOC epoxy Novolac Chemical resistant conductive (anti-sparking) epoxy flooring and floor coating system ideal for severe chemical and solvent storage requiring a chemically resistant conductive and spark resistant surface.

Product #677 Electro Static Dissipative (ESD)/ Conductive Coating is a pigmented, water-based epoxy coating designed to achieve either an electro-static dissipative (ESD) finish or conductive finish by modifying the underlying system components and thickness. Product #677 has very low odor making it suitable for use in occupied buildings and has high bond strength and adhesion to concrete and other surfaces.

684LV - MMA CONCRETE CRACK HEALER and SEALER is a 100% reactive ultra-low viscosity methyl methacrylate resin used as a penetrating crack sealer or to fortify extremely porous concrete substrates. MMA CONCRETE CRACK SEALER Product #684LV is typically used on bridge decks, parking structures or as a general penetrating sealer to prevent moisture intrusion.

Product #690 Medium Viscosity Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Sealer and Top Coating is a 100% reactive, medium viscosity methyl methacrylate resin developed as a sealer/topcoat over Product #697 and Product #698 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Flooring and Decking Systems.

Product #691 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Primer is a 100% reactive methyl methacrylate primer for all Epoxy.com MMA floor and wall systems. Product #691 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Flooring Primer also provides excellent filling and sealing as a scratch work filler (with filler added) to level uneven floor and wall surfaces. Product #691 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Flooring Primer is a reactive Methacrylate resin, which hardens rapidly with the addition of Product #695 MMA hardener, even at low temperatures.

Product #692 MMA Membrane is a Flexible Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Flooring, Decking Bridge  Mortar Resin is a higher viscosity, 100% reactive, flexible methyl Methacrylate resin used as a crack isolation or waterproofing membrane under Epoxy.com MMA Systems. Product #692 Flexible Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) resists cracking caused by horizontal substrate movement providing a crack resistant, resilient surface. Product #692 Flexible Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) offers stress relieving properties for floor slabs showing movement and/or vibration.

Product #693 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Coating is a 100% reactive, medium viscosity methyl methacrylate resin developed as a topcoat for exterior or interior use with Epoxy.com MMA Systems.  Epoxy.com Product #693 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Coating is semi-flexible for outside use and will not yellow after curing. Its excellent clarity makes it ideal for sealing color quartz and vinyl flake systems. It is excellent for exterior applications such as parking decks, concrete and steel stairs, ramps, and numerous other applications.

Product #694Epoxy Pigment Packs - Pigment dispersed in an epoxy part "A" resin. Since it is dispersed in epoxy resin you can mix it into your A side and then mix your epoxy without changing the mix ratio. 

Product #694MMA - Pigment Packs - Pigment dispersed in a reactive resin. Product #694 MMA (Methyl Methacrylate) Pigment Packs are pigments dispersed in a reactive resin you can mix it into your Methyl Methacrylate Resin. 

Product #695 Hardener Powder (BPO) for Epoxy.com MMA Flooring Systems is for use with Products #691, #692 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Membrane and #693 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Coating. Product #695 Hardener Powder (BPO) for Epoxy.com MMA Flooring Systems dosing can be changed due to temperature and desired set time / working time. Product #695 must be well mixed with Epoxy.com MMA before adding any other aggregates and fillers.  After mixing the Product #695 Hardening Powder into Epoxy.com  MMA the polymerization reaction which leads to the hardening of the MMA begins.

Product #697 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Binder Resin - a 100% reactive methyl methacrylate binder resin and top coat for self leveling, broadcasting, and troweled mortar systems. Product #697 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Binder Resin is ideal for decorative troweled and broadcast quartz floors and industrial surfacing subject to heavy loads and traffic.

Product #698 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Binder Resin  is a 100% reactive, low viscosity, flexible methyl methacrylate resin for use as a binder for low resin content troweled mortars and polymer concrete. The resin is ideal for making repairs and to change the slope on floors, bridge decks and joint headers.

Product #699 Low Viscosity Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Sealer is a 100% reactive, low viscosity methyl methacrylate resin developed as a chemical resistant sealer/topcoat. Product #699 Low Viscosity Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Sealer cures to a hard, scratch and wear resistant surface and is specifically designed for dry service in areas subjected to high traffic such as manufacturing areas, aisles, lobbies, service areas, and numerous other applications.

Product #720 Cove Base Binder - can be used to install an integral cove base for most Epoxy.com Flooring Systems, to provide seamless wall to floor protection.

Product #830 Moisture Vapor treatment is a two component modified epoxy system designed to seal concrete and reduce moisture vapor transmission prior to applying finished flooring. Product #830 Moisture Vapor treatment has proven to reduce moisture vapor emissions and be resistant to damage from high alkalinity. Product #830 Moisture Vapor treatment is an environmentally friendly material containing no hydrocarbons or other solvents making it zero (0) VOC.

Product #899 Epoxy Primer is a moisture insensitive 100%  solids Low-Mod Low Viscosity Primer and Sealer. It may be used as a primer for any of our products, or as a stand alone sealer. 899 is also available as a  Cold Cure Epoxy.

Product #2005 Low Modulus Fast Setting Epoxy Gel is a two component 100% solids  designed for shallow repair on either vertical or horizontal surfaces. This product is easy to mix and use and has the consistency of Vaseline petroleum jelly. Additionally, the product, because it is a 100% solids product, can be applied thicker on horizontal surfaces when required.

Product #2006 - Epoxy High-Mod Gel Adhesive and Bonding Resin  is a 100% solids high-mod epoxy gel adhesive used for vertical and overhead bonding applications and structural repairs. Epoxy High-Mod Gel Adhesive and Bonding Resin - Product #2006 is also used as a grout for anchor bolts, dowels and rebar. Epoxy High-Mod Gel Adhesive and Bonding Resin - Product #2006 Meets ASTM C881 Requirements for Type I, Type II, Grade 3, Class B, C, D, E.

Product #2007 Epoxy Fresh Concrete to Hardened Concrete Adhesive is a two component, 100% solids epoxy resin system designed to bond new concrete to old and other materials to concrete. It has a convenient 2:1 mix ratio, by ASTM C-881-90, Types I, II, IV and V, Grade 2, Class "B" and "C" volume with a viscosity similar to heavyweight oil. Epoxy Fresh Concrete to Hardened Concrete Adhesive #2007 (adhesive) exceeds the requirements of ASTM C-881 Type II, Grade 2, Class "B" "C" "D" and E.

Product #2011 Low Modulus Fast Set Epoxy Gel is a two component 100% solids polymer system designed for applications where a resilient joint material is needed. The two component material (standard) is supplied with a gray component and a clear component. Product #2011 was developed for plural component pump equipment, and is available in cartridge units.

Product #2215 Epoxy Mortar - is a 3-Component 100% solids epoxy mortar for projects where excellent wear and strengths are required.  

Epoxy.com Product #2671 Conductive Primer Sealer is a two component solvent based epoxy primer that exhibits excellent characteristics for abrasion resistance and static dissipative properties. Another outstanding feature for this product is the excellent substrate penetration which results in excellent adhesion characteristics. The semi-clear is a metallic pigmented primer while the black is available in a metallic pigmented version with additional lead time.

Product #2704 Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure is a fast setting, 100% solids epoxy crack  gel and filler used to line, patch, or repair floor and wall surfaces. Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 is the ideal material for repair of surfaces damaged from environmental or chemical attack. Epoxy Gel Super Fast Cure Product #2704 can also be used as a base material beneath coating, slurry, and mortar systems to repair before coating.

Product #2707 Splash Zone Epoxy and Underwater Epoxy Paste is a moisture-insensitive, two-component, 100% solids epoxy-resin system. Splash Zone Epoxy and Underwater Epoxy Paste Product #2707 is mixed at a 2:1 ratio, by volume, this product produces a paste-like material that is ideal for protection or restoration of concrete, steel and timber piles and other structural elements in marine environments. This is a made to order material. Normal minimum order is 45 gallons (total of A and B).  Currently we made up some so customers can try this material in as small as a 3 gallon unit. This will be available only while supplies last.

PRODUCT #2708 Under Water Pourable Epoxy Crack and Joint Filler is a two component 100% solids epoxy designed for applications where contamination from water cannot be controlled or for underwater repairs and applications. This is a made to order material. Special Order, current minimum is 36 gallons.  If you need less please contact us to see if we have any smaller quantities made up.

Product #3100 Moisture Mitigation System consists of a cementitious urethane primer/basecoat broadcasted with silica sand, for use as a moisture vapor treatment on concrete floor slabs or elevated lightweight concrete with excessive moisture vapor emission rates or a high internal moisture content.

Product #3301 Injection Resin -  is a 2-component, low viscosity, 100% solids, epoxy injection resin for concrete and wooden substrates.

Product #3899 Epoxy Primer - a 2-component, low viscosity, 100% solids, epoxy primer for concrete and wooden substrates.

Product #6890 - Flexible Polyurethane Methyl Methacrylate (PUMMA)  is a higher viscosity, 100% reactive, flexible methyl methacrylate polyurethane hybrid resin used as a crack isolation or waterproofing membrane under various Epoxy.com MMA Systems, or as a resilient mortar or joint filler for numerous applications.

Product #6930 - MMA (methyl methacrylate) SEALER is a 100% reactive semi-flexible medium viscosity methyl methacrylate resin developed as a sealer/topcoat over various Epoxy.com MMA Systems. Product #6930 MMA SEALER is a chemical resistant coating with improved UV light resistance specifically designed for exterior use such as vehicular parking decks, pedestrian decks, roof decks, pool decks, concrete and steel stairs, ramps, and interior freezer/cooler rooms.

Injection and Binary Delivery Systems

  • Manual Injection Pump
  • Injection Ports
  • Binary Tubes 75 ML
  • Binary Tubes 150 ML
  • Binary Tubes 300 ML
  • Static Mixing Tubes for Binary Tubes
  • Manual Gun for Binary Tubes
  • Pneumatic Gun for Binary Tubes

Misc. Products

  • Fiberglass Tape 4 and 6 inch wide
  • Fiberglass Woven For Reinforcement
  • Gage Rake for overlays
  • Mixing Paddles - drill mixers, Speedy mixers, Mud and Resin Mixers, and Cast head mixers
  • Spiked Rollers- for overlays
  • Spinney Rollers - for overlays
  • Serrated Edge Floor Squeegees
  • and more ...

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

A Division of Epoxy Systems, Inc
A Vermont Corporation

We have products that have passed the test of time as well as the best new Systems available today.

Since 1980 - 40 years of the highest quality products

Hours: 9AM-4PM Eastern Time (6AM-1PM Pacific Time)

Closed for lunch from 12Noon to 1PM

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                         Katey Lambert-Fontaine, VP - Chief Operations Officer

                        Technical Support
352-533-2167  Norm Lambert, President - Technical Support Director 

352-489-1666  Accounting and Administration
                         Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO

352-489-1625   Fax line to all Departments

Copyright © 1994-2022 (providing online information about the right product for the right job for over 25 years)  EPOXY.COM a division of Epoxy Systems, Inc. - Florida and Vermont.  All rights reserved.

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