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Chemical Resistant Epoxy Novolac Coating

Highly Chemically Resistant Novolac Epoxy Floor Coating  and Novolac Epoxy Wall Coating

100% Solids - Zero VOC Chemical Resistant

Product #633

Novolac Epoxy Coating Description Epoxy.com Product #633 Chemical Resistant Novolac Epoxy Coating Picture

Product #633 Novolac Epoxy Chemical Resistant Epoxy Coating is a 100% solids epoxy Novolac coating ideal for harsh chemical and solvent resistant applications. Product #633 is used in secondary containment, solvent storage, pump pads, trenches, and other high exposure areas.

Novolac Epoxy - Highly Chemical Resistant Epoxy - Product #633 is ideal for use as a protective coating for concrete and steel in the extremely corrosive areas of chemical plants and pulp mills secondary containment areas, water and waste treatment, and gas and electric utilities. Product #633 is commonly used as a seal coat for EPOXY MORTAR SYSTEMS where chemical resistant performance is required.


  • Exhibits excellent resistance to strong acids, alkalis, and most industrial chemicals and solvents
  • Can be applied in cool damp conditions
  • Can be re-coated in 4 to 6 hours
  • Can be applied in occupied facilities
  • Forms a virtual moisture barrier
  • Meets USDA standards
  • 100% solids - 0.0 lbs VOC - meets even the most strict low VOC requirements


  • Concrete substrate  to receive Product #633 Novolac Epoxy must be free of dirt, waxes, curing agents, and other foreign materials.
  • Steel surfaces  to receive Product #633 Novolac Epoxy must be free of grease and oils. Abrasive blast to SSPC-SP5.


  • 100% solids, modified amine adduct cured epoxy Novolac resin.



Epoxy.com Product #633 Chemical Resistant Novolac Epoxy Coating on Lab TopsSurface Preparation is the most critical portion to any successful resinous system application. All substrates must be properly prepared as outlined in Epoxy Surface Preparation Procedures.

Concrete to Receive Chemical Resistant Novolac Epoxy Coating #633

Surface must he clean and sound. Remove all dirt, laitance, grease curing compounds and other foreign matter by sandblasting, mechanical abrasion, or acid etching. Remove water and dust from all surfaces with an oil-free blast immediately prior to application.

Steel to Receive Chemical Resistant Novolac Epoxy Coating #633

Immersion Service

Sandblast to near white metal - (SSPC10 / NACE2).

Non-Immersion Service

Sandblast to Commercial Blast (SSPC10 / NACE3)

For more information on surface preparation please see the Epoxy.com Surface Preparation Guide.

INSTALLATION of Chemically Resistant Novolac Epoxy Coating #633

Installation methods for Product #633 will vary with application method. See Coating Installation Guide for use in typical coating applications.


Stir both component with separately before mixing together.  Be sure not to cross contaminate the "A" into the "B" or visa versa. Mix for 3 minutes using an Epoxy.com (drill) mixing paddle or equal on a low speed drill.

If Anti-Skid Course or Anti-Skid Fine is to be used add 12-16 volume ounces per mixed gallon, and mix until properly dispersed, typically 1-2 minutes.

When Used as a Coating

When Product #633  is applied over concrete or wood,  prime with Product #12 Chemical Resistant Epoxy Primer and allow the Product #12 Primer to cure to tack free. Priming is optional over gray metal blast steel.

Application of Product #633 can be done by brush, roller, squeegee, or airless spray.  Airless spray is best done with higher end binary airless spray equipment.

For typical installations as a coating apply 2 coats of Product #633 Novolac Epoxy  at a rate of  160-200 square feet per gallon per coat.  This yields a wet film thickness of 8-10 mils thick per coat or 16 - 20 mils for the two coats. Since this is a 100% solids Resin and Hardener system, there is no loss during drying, so the wet film thickness and the dry film thickness for 2 coats will be identical (16-20 mils DFT).

If Anti-Skid Fine or Anti-Skid Course epoxy anti-skid additive is used add plus or minus 12 volume ounces of Anti-Skid per mixed gallon of Product #633. Never add more than 16 volume ounces per gallon of Resin and Hardener mix.


Color See color chart below
Solids Content 100%
Gloss 60 F 100
Mix Ratio 2A to 1B by volume
Pot Life 20 minutes @ 75 F
VOC 0%


Foot Traffic 10-12 hours
Recoat  - Minimum 4 - 12 hours (Depending on Temperature)
Recoat - Maximum   24-36 hours (Depending on Temperature)
Service 5 days


Acetic Acid 20% R
Acetic Acid 56% L - 24 hour
Acetic Acid 84% L - 24 hour
Acetic Acid (Glacial) L - Hourly Cleanup
Acetone L - Hourly Cleanup
Bleach R
Citric Acid R
Crude Oil R
Diesel Fuel R
Ethylene Glycol R
Fatty Acids R
Gasoline R
Hydrochloric Acid-36% R
Hydraulic Fluid R
Lactic Acid R
Methyl Ethyl Ketone L - Hourly Cleanup
Nitric Acid - 10% R
Perchloroethylene R
Propylene Glycol
   Monomethyl Ether
Skydrol R
Sodium Hydroxide - 50%  R
Sodium Hypochlorite 10%  R
Sulfuric Acid-10% R
Sulfuric Acid-50% R
Sulfuric Acid-70% R
Sulfuric Acid-98% R
Toluene R
Urine R
Xylene R

R-Recommended for continuous service  L-Limited recommendation, occasional spills.


Tensile Strength ASTM-D-638 10,400 p.s.i
Adhesion to concrete ACI Committee 403 300 p.s.i - 100% concrete failure
Hardness ASTM-D-2240 86 Shore D
Abrasion Resistance ASTM-C-501 CS-17 Wheel 30 mg lost
Service Temperature MIL- D-3134F Up to 180-325 degrees F. Dry Heat
Elongation 2.5%

Epoxy.com Product #633 Chemical Resistant Novolac Epoxy Coating is available in 17 standard color here is the Color ChartClick the picture of color card below  for a larger version of this picture of the color chart.
Please note:  The picture to the right is a photographic reproduction of the color card for this product.  The photo reproduction process and your monitor and/or printer will change these colors.  This chart is to give you an idea of the colors available and not intended for critical color selections.

Chemical Resistance Chart for Product #633



Acetone S-3
Acetic Acid  56% S-2
Acetic Acid  84% S-2
Acetic Acid (Glacial) S-3
Aluminum Chloride  30% +
Aluminum Nitrate  50% +
Aluminum Sulfate  50% +
Ammonium Hydroxide -30% +
Ammonium Sulfate  50% +
Ammonium Sulfide  50% +
Barium Sulfate +
Barium Sulfide +
Beer +
Benzene S-2
Benzyl Alcohol +
Black Liquor +
Butyl Acetate +
Butyl Acetate (Normal) +
Brake Fluid +
Butanol (Normal) +
Calcium Chloride +
Calcium Hydroxide +
Carbon Tetrachloride +
Citric Acid -40% S-1
Corn Oil +
Crude Oil - Sour +
Crude Oil -Sweet +
Cumene +
Cutting Oil +
Cyclohexeone +
Diacetone Alcohol +
Diesel Fuel +
Diethylene Glycol +
Distilled Water +
Ethanol +
Ethyl Acetate +
Ethyl Alcohol +
Ethylene Dichloide S-1
Ethylene Glycol +
Ethyl 3-Ethoxypropionate +
Ethylene Oxide +
Ethlene Glycol Monopropyl Ether +
Freon S-1
Fuel Oil +
Gasoline (Unleaded) +
Gasoline (Premium Unleaded) +
Glucose +
Glycerine +
Glyoxal  40% +
Heptane +
Hexane +
Hexalene Glycol +
Hydraulic Fluid +
Hydrochloric Acid  10% +
Hydrochloric Acid 36% +
Hydrogen Peroxide -5% +
Hydrogen Peroxide  30% +
Iodine +
Isobutyl Alcohol +
Isopropyl Alcohol +
JP 4 Jet Fuel +
JP 5 Jet Fuel +
Kerosene +
Ketchup +
Lactic Acid  50% +
Methanol +
Methylene Chloride NR
Mineral Spirits +
Naptha (VMP) +
Nitric Acid  10% +
Nitric Acid  30% NR
Oxalic Acid +
Para Xylene +
Peanut Oil +
Perchloroethylene +
Phosphoric Acid  10% +
Phosphoric Acid  75% +
Phosphoric Acid   85% +
Power Staring Fluid +
Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether +
Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate +
Pseudocumene +
Skydrol 500B +
Sodium Hydroxide  50% +
Sodium Hydroxide  70% +
Sodium Hypochlorite 10% +
Sodium Nitrate 50% +
Sulfamic Acid +
Sulfuric Acid 10% +
Sodium Bisulfiate S2
Sulfuric Acid 50% +
Sulfuric Acid 70% +
Sulfuric Acid 98% +
Toluene +
Tomato Juice +
Transmission Fluid +
1.1.1 Trichloroethane +
Urine +
Vinegar +
Vinyl Tolene +
White Liquor +
Xylene +
+ = Continuous Service (greater than 6 months)
S1 = Splash and Spill with Weekly Cleanup
S2 = Splash and Spill with 24 hour Cleanup
S3 = Splash and Spill with Hourly Cleanup
NR= Not Recommended
ND= No Data

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Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

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