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Epoxy Chemical Resistant Tile Grout and Adhesive

Epoxy.com Product #235


Epoxy.com Product #235 Chemical Resistant Tile Grout and Adhesive is a highly chemical resistant, industrial grade, Novolac epoxy grout for ceramic tile, quarry tile, brick pavers, and stone. Epoxy.com Product #235 Chemical Resistant Tile Grout and Adhesive is supplied in pre-packaged kits containing resin, hardener, and mineral fillers that produce a dense, uniform seal. Typical applications for Epoxy.com Product #235 Chemical Resistant Tile Grout and Adhesive require superior resistance to thermal shock, chemicals, and heavy traffic found in the harsh environments of dairies, bakeries,  meat packers, breweries, canneries, bottlers, distilleries, and pharmaceutical plants.


  • Highly chemical and temperature resistant
  • Low odor for use in occupied areas
  • Low viscosity - good wetting properties
  • Exceeds ANSI A-118.3 Specification for chemical resistant, water cleanable epoxy grout
  • Cures at cold temperatures
  • User-friendly packaging
  • Versatile  for both setting and grouting all types of tile
  • USDA approvable


  • Minimum application temperature of 50°F (Contact Epoxy.com for Low Temperature Cure).
  • Substrate must be free of curing agents and any foreign materials.
  • Some tiles and pavers can be stained by color pigments in Epoxy.com Product #235 Chemical Resistant Tile Grout and Adhesive.
  • Try small area to determine results prior to grouting entire surface.
  • Protect from exposure to chemicals and harsh cleaners until fully cured.



Before grouting, clean joints and the tile surface with a damp sponge to remove dust, dirt, and other contaminants. Do not leave water standing in joints.  Do not clean tiles with acid cleaners.


Empty entire contents of Part A and  Part B into a clean mixing pail. With a slow speed drill or margin trowel, mix until liquids are completely blended. Add at least  of Epoxy.com Product #235 GROUT FILLER (more for wider joints) and blend to uniform.


Immediately pour Epoxy.com Product #235 mixture from mixing pail onto working area. Following standard epoxy and grouting techniques, apply Epoxy.com Product #235 to surface. Be sure all grout joints arecompletely filled. Remove excess grout with grout float. Do not leave excess grout on face of tiles.

Consult Epoxy.com for more detailed installation and cleaning instructions.

See Epoxy Chemical Resistant Tile Grout Calculator to estimate how much epoxy tile grout you need for your job.


100% solids epoxy-Novolac grout.


Epoxy.com Epoxy Color Chart HereClick the picture of color card at the side for a larger version of this picture of the color chart.
Please note:  The picture to the right is a photographic reproduction of the color card for this product.  The photo reproduction process and your monitor and/or printer will change these colors.  This chart is to give you an idea of the colors available and not intended for critical color selections. PLEASE NOTE: lighter colors are likely to darken over time.


0.3 cubic foot units (aproximately 2.4 gallons) consisting of premeasured amounts of resin, hardener, and filler.


Lactic Acid-85%R
Acetic Acid-10% R
Formic Acid-5%R
Citric Acid-50%R
Tartaric Acid-50%R
Tannic Acid-50%R
Olejic Acid-50%R
Phosphoric Acid-80%R
Hydrofluoric Acid-10%R*
Sulfuric Acid-50%R*
Nitric Acid-20%R*
Hydrochloric Acid-36.5%R*
Sodium HydroxideR
Ethyl AlcoholR
Mineral Spirits R
Toluene R
Methylene Chloride NR

R = Recommended for continuous service.
R* = Extended Exposure may cause stain.
L = Limited recommendation, occasional spills.
NR = Not Recommended
Chemical Resistance determined in accordance with ASTM C267-1982

Installation Properties

Dry Time @ 70 degrees F
Working Life 25 minutes
Initial Set Time 4 hours
Full Set Time Overnight
Full Chemical Cure 5 -10 days


Tensile Strength ASTM C-307 2,000 to
2,500 psi
Compressive Strength ASTM C-579 15,000 psi
Flexural Strength ASTM C-580 3,800 to 4,100 psi
Water Absorption 24 hours 0.15%
Heat Resistance 190 degrees F. continuous
325 degrees F.  intermittent
Adhesion to Concrete ASTM C-321 350 to 400 psi

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

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