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Seamless Chip Flooring
Chemical Resistant, UV Resistant

Durable, Economical and Attractive Seamless Flooring System

Uses All 100% Solids Material Making it a Zero (0) VOC Material
No VOCs Means it Meets the Toughest Low VOC Requirements

Heavy traffic on floors often make the use of decorative flooring products impossible. Mvc-263s.jpg (41651 bytes) To make this possible we created Product #315 Seamless Polymeric Multi-Colored Flake Chip  Floor Resurfacing System. Our #315 Chip System creates a beautiful, durable, and affordable floor that is easy to apply by both professionals and do-it-yourself enthusiasts.

What is new and unique?

At last there is a high quality seamless floor finish which can be provided in every desirable color combination.  This system is easy to use, by any skilled do-it-yourselfer or coating professional. For potential customers, both commercial applicators chip Flooring picture and the do-it-yourselfer, the final result is most certainly beautiful, affordable, and its durability insures the product to be long lasting, waterproof, easy to clean, and maintenance free.

System #315 Seamless Epoxy Multi-Colored Chip Flooring is available in virtually limitless color combinations. If your job is big enough our chips can be pigmented to match all the colors of many major paint companies. We can color match our base coat colors as well. Unless the pigments for your custom colored 315 Basecoat are unusually expensive we can color match for a modest small batch charge, or at no charge for larger orders.  Even our standard color pallet offers you over 45 chip colors that can be blended in any combination and percentage as you want.

By matching the base coat color in the chip, you make the system much less prone to error.  If you should happen to miss a small spot on MVC-743S.JPG (114449 bytes) the floor the base color shows through, looking like it is just more of that chip in that area.

System #315 chips are also available in 7 sizes ranging from a 1 inch chip down to 1/32 inch chip.  Smaller chips give the look a lot like epoxy quartz flooring. The various colors and sizes allow you to give your floor any number of looks like stone, terrazzo, colored quartz, or vibrant linoleum.

Our clear glaze coat does not yellow quickly like other epoxies.  We have some jobs that have been around for 30 years or more where no yellowing can be found, not even under the urinals in high school bathrooms. This kind of durability is perhaps the most important quality of the #315 Chip Flooring System.  Anyone can provide you with a flooring system that is attractive today.  The #315 Chip Flooring System is the flooring system you need if you want it to stay like that for years to come.



  • Aisle Ways
  • Bakeries
  • Basement Floors
  • Bottling Plants
  • Break Rooms
  • Cafeterias
  • Canning Plants
  • Car Washes
  • Commercial Kitchens
  • Cells
  • Church Floors
  • Classroom Floors
  • Corridors
  • Educational Facilities
  • Entrances
  • Epoxy Stone Recoating
  • Food Plants
  • Garages
  • Grocery Stores
  • Health Care Facilities
  • Hospitals
  • Kennels
  • Kitchens
  • Laboratories
  • Law Enforcement Facilities
  • Laundries
  • Locker Rooms
  • Machine Shops
  • Marine Surfaces
  • Meat Preparation Areas
  • Mortuaries
  • Nuclear Plant Floors
  • Operating Rooms


Epoxy.com Product #402 over Epoxy.com Chip Flooring

Epoxy.com Product #402 Clear
Over Chip Flooring - Over Basement Room
Picture Courtesy of Matt Dekman
Used with Permission - All Rights Reserved

Note: This product is not available in the big box Home Improvement Outlets.  It is only available from select authorized applicator/distributors or directly from Epoxy.com, who will give you the technical support that you need to install it properly. Do not accept the poor imitations, they will not perform like Epoxy.com Chip Flooring. Be sure it has the Epoxy.com logo on the label.
Editors Note:  This page and many other pages on this site contain picture thumbnails. Thumbnails are smaller versions of larger pictures.  Thumbnails are used to speed the loading of a web page.  To view the larger version of these thumbnails, simply left click the thumbnails the same way that you would click any other link.  The larger version of the picture will then load.
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Selecting your color

The concept is simple. It is a combination of chips and flooring resin. A new product is "born". The flooring resin plays a leading role in the quality of the flooring system. The color chips provide the additional decorative effect.

First pick the primary (background color).  This color should be at least 40 to 50% of you total mix.  The background color is picked from this color chart:

Color Chart HereClick the picture of color card for a larger version of this picture of the color chart.

Please note:  The pictures of color charts on this page and else ware on this web page are  photographic reproduction of the color card for our products.  The photo reproduction process and your monitor and/or printer will change these colors.  This chart is to give you an idea of the colors available and not intended for critical color selections.

Then pick 2 or more accent or contrasting colors from the chart below, or the chart above:

Chip Chart

Click the picture of color card at the right  for a larger version of this picture of the color chart.

Decide what proportions you want of each color by percent.  And we will make it to your order, in multiples of 55 lbs.

Three easy steps of application

The "sandwich" system

Epoxy.com Seamless Chip Flake Flooring System is easier to use than most people think. This ease of use also automatically means that work can be done more quickly.

Saving time and money, while increasing quality!

MVC-737S.JPG (145593 bytes)Step 1: A layer of flooring resin is applied to a suitable substrate.

Step 2: The application of the color chips can be done by broadcasting the floor to saturation (refusal)

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Step 3: The transparent top coat, which is applied in one or more layers, determines the final thickness.

As dazzling as the visual effect is, there is more to making a product successful. There are many factors contributing to the success of Epoxy.com Chip Flooring.

Ease of Application

Many floor companies have difficulty finding good floor layers. The MVC-738S.JPG (301739 bytes) introduction of an easy-to-install product will be appreciated by everyone. The Chip Flooring precludes processing mistakes. It is "fool-proof", because an excess of chips are spread on the still wet floor paint. The extra chips are simply swept up after the floor has dried and can be reused. Taping off is unnecessary. The chips only adhere to the places where the flooring resin has been applied. This inherent simplicity is also the basis for the do-it-yourself product.

Little Preparation

The standard preparation of a floor is necessary when using the Chip Flooring System. The chips cover small cracks and holes, because of the light structure and multi-color effect of the final result. Uneven spots are hardly noticeable.

Cove Base

Mvc-266s.jpg (70740 bytes)    An integral cove base can be installed to turn your room into a virtual "bathtub". 

Easy to Disinfect

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The highest requirements apply, especially to floors with heavy traffic. The Chip Flooring System offers a finish which is very easy to keep disinfected. The seamless and sealed surface can be cleaned in every possible way. Even with a high pressure water spray. The seamless sealed surface prevents the entry of dirt and bacteria.  We can even add an optional anti-microbial to your Chip Flooring.

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A floor made of Epoxy.com Flooring Chips is slightly textured and it is this texture that gives the floor good anti-skid qualities. This is especially important for areas where the floor gets wet such as entry ways, and pool sides.

Durable and Reparability


The use of Epoxy.com Product #315 provides a durability which can compete with similar types of decorative floors, with a much higher level of durability and reparability. Should the floor show scuffs after intensive use, this can be quickly solved by applying another layer of the transparent top coat. The floor looks new again after just one application.


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Only the best color-fast pigments are used to produce color chips. Even under exposure to strong ultraviolet light, hardly any fading occurs. Used with Epoxy.com Product #315 or other flooring resin that does not fade, the color chips create a strong, color-fast system.

Endless Choice of Colors and Effects

Epoxy.com Color Chips are supplied in many colors and different sizes. Making the right combination of colors creates extraordinary effects. This means that any requirement can be met. The thickness of the top coat can also be varied, yielding different appearance and anti-skid properties.

Proven Experience

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Epoxy Systems, Inc. can assist with it's large store of experience. Epoxy Systems, Inc. are Consultants, and Resin Compounders. Technical services are handled by the Owner's of Epoxy Systems, Inc. who each average over 25 years of field experience.

Material Certification of LEED Requirements

Epoxy.com a division of Epoxy Systems, Inc. certifies that Epoxy.com Chip Flooring System, when using Epoxy.com 315BC (Base Coat) Epoxy.com Chip and Epoxy.com 315 Top Coating meet or exceed LEED requirements as summarized below:

LEED Credit IE 4.2:

Indoor Environmental Quality/Air Quality Before Occupancy Materials meet the requirement for VOC content Pertaining to LEED IEQ 402 Indoor Emitting Materials Credit. Refer to the individual product component technical data sheets and MSDS for further information.

What Next?

For more information on the subject please go to Chip Flooring Installation Procedures for details on how to install chip flooring. For a list of job supplies to install a chip flooring see www.epoxy.com/job-supplies.aspx.

Chip Flooring can be modified for outside use, and in direct or intense sunlight.  Check out this Job History.

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

A Division of Epoxy Systems, Inc
A Vermont Corporation

We have products that have passed the test of time as well as the best new Systems available today.

Since 1980 - 40 years of the highest quality products

Hours: 9AM-4PM Eastern Time (6AM-1PM Pacific Time)

Closed for lunch from 12Noon to 1PM

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                         Katey Lambert-Fontaine, VP - Chief Operations Officer

                        Technical Support
352-533-2167  Norm Lambert, President - Technical Support Director 

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                         Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO

352-489-1625   Fax line to all Departments

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