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Epoxy Stone Bonding Adhesive

Epoxy Bonding Stone Together for Overlays on Patios, Walkways and Landscaping

Epoxy.com Product #17 -100% Solids Epoxy Adhesive


Product #17 Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding Stone Overlays is a two component, 100% solids high-mod epoxy adhesive used for bonding stone and other aggregates in all types of flooring applications. Some uses of Product #17 Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding Stone Overlays would include patios, pool decks, walkways and other areas where a long wearing and decorative system is desired.

Epoxy Stone Overlays

Product #17 Epoxy Stone Overlays give you the beauty of a natural looking shinny stone, without the hassle of the stone needing the constant attention of loose stone. Water actually passes through the system. The #17 Epoxy Adhesive and stone give you a carpet of stone that allows the water to run down away from your feet.

See more about Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding Stone Overlays on our blog.


  • High luster finish
  • Excellent freeze-thaw stability
  • Outstanding chemical and weathering resistance.


Surface to receive Epoxy.com Product #17 Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding Stone Overlays must be clean and sound. Remove all dirt, laitance, grease curing compounds and other foreign matter by sandblasting, mechanical abrasion, or acid etching. Remove water and dust from all surfaces with an oil-free blast immediately prior to application.


Temperature of Epoxy.com Product #17 Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding Stone Overlays must be 50° F or above at time of mixing. Stir each component separately before blending. Mix two parts by volume of Part A with one part by volume of Part B for three minutes with a low speed electric drill motor equipped with a mixing paddle. Add mixed Epoxy.com Product #17 Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding Stone Overlays to desired aggregate in a concrete mixer and tumble until wet before removing. Spread onto area with a rake and trowel to produce a smooth surface.

Installation Product #17 Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding Stone Overlays typically uses the #17 Epoxy Stone Adhesive, and clean hard dry stone. A 3 gallon unit of Product #17 will typically mix with about 400 lbs. of stone.


Product #15 Chemical Resistant Epoxy Floor Resurfacing System is typically used for resealing epoxy bonded stone, because it oxidizes much slower than other epoxies, and usually last much longer than other epoxies used for reglazing epoxied stone pebbles.


For coverage see Epoxy.com Stone Overlay Calculator.


Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause eye and skin irritation. If contact occurs, wash immediately and seek medical help. Use safety glasses with side shields and wear protective rubber gloves.


All tools and equipment should be cleaned before the system gels. Use MEK, Acetone, or any lacquer solvent.


Mix Ratio 2:1 By Volume
Viscosity (mixed - ASTM D-2393) 2000-3000 cps
Gel Time (ASTM C-881) 25-30 minutes
Tack Free to Touch 7-10 hours
Initial Cure 24 Hours (75% strength)
Final Cure 7 Days
Packaging (unit size) 5 gal., drums
Standard Colors clear amber
Tensile Elongation % (ASTM D-638) 20-30
Bond Strength (ASTM D-1002) 2400 psi
Hardness Shore D (ASTM D-2240) 75-80

More Information

Information on using Epoxy Stone Adhesive in a River Simulation.

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

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