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Conductive Primer/Sealer

Spark Resistant Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy.com Product #671

Description - Conductive Primer Sealer

Note: Only Available in Quantities of 30 gallons or more per order. For smaller quantities use Epoxy.com Product #2671.

Product #671 Conductive Epoxy Primer/Sealer is a low viscosity, two component, carbon filled, polyamide modified conductive primer/sealer formulated with special wetting agents to provide maximum penetration into concrete surfaces. Product #671 Primer Sealer is ideal for both new and old concrete surfaces. Product #671 Conductive Epoxy Primer Sealer provides excellent resistance to wear, and can be used either alone or as a conductive sealer or as a conductive epoxy primer when used with Product #674 Electro-Static Dissipating Urethane Topcoat and our Conductive Systems.


  • Conductivity resistance range of 25,000 to 1,000,000 ohms
  • Excellent adhesion to properly prepared concrete
  • Abrasion resistant
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Minimizes dusting, staining, and dirt penetration


  • Contains solvent; do not use without adequate ventilation
  • Do not use below 50°F
  • Substrate must be structurally sound, clean and free from curing compounds and other contaminants
  • Odor during application may taint foodstuff (food in the area)
  • Special order with Minimum Order of 30 gallons required.

Application of Product #671 Primer Sealer

Surface Preparation

Concrete to receive Product #671 Conductive Epoxy Primer Sealer must be in sound condition and properly prepared per manufacturer's recommendations. See Surface Preparation Guidelines, available from Epoxy.com Technical Support Department.

Mixing Instructions

Stir Part A (Resin) and part B (Hardener) with a power mixer. Allow 30 minutes before using. Remix. Mix only material needed for 4-6 hours


Product #671 Conductive Epoxy Primer Sealer produces the best results when applied with a medium napped shed resistant roller. It may also be applied with brush, squeegee, and conventional or airless sprayer. Spread Product #671 Conductive Epoxy Primer Sealer at a rate of 200 sf per gallon to yield approximately 4 dry mils. Check conductivity of the area prior to recoating. If Product #671 Conductive Epoxy Primer Sealer is being used alone as a sealer the recommended dry film thickness of 8-10 mils (2 coats @ 200 sf per gallon). Roughen the surface if allowed to cure more than 24 hours between coats. Be sure to verify conductivity after completing installation.

Do not apply to surfaces below 50° F or above 120° F. Do not apply over damp or wet surfaces.


Clean up immediately with Xylene solvent. Remove from skin while still wet, wash with soap and water. Consult MSDS for safety and health precautions.

Epoxy Electrostatic Dissipative (ESD) and Conductive Flooring Calculator. Calculate Epoxy.com Conductive and Electrostatic Dissipative (ESD) material requirements for your installation.

Technical Data - Conductive Epoxy Primer Sealer

Color Black
Gloss Low sheen
Conductivity 25,000 - 1,000,000 ohms resistance
Coverage 200 square feet per gallon
Mix Ratio 1 Part A to 1 part B by volume
Application Brush or Roller
Application Temperature 50° F to 120°F dry
Cure Time 16-24 Hours @75° F and 50% RH
Recoat Time 5-16 hours

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

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