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Chemical Resistant Polyurethane Maintenance Coating

Excellent UV and Chemical Resistance

Epoxy.com Product #402


Epoxy.com PRODUCT #402 Chemical Resistant Polyurethane Coating is a two component chemical resistant polyurethane coating. The high gloss finish offers excellent abrasion resistance, chemical and stain resistance, and color retention.

Epoxy.com PRODUCT #402 Chemical Resistant Polyurethane Coating can be used equally well on vertical or horizontal surfaces. It is ideal for concrete floors and walls in warehouses, storage facilities, aircraft hangers, animal housing, and vehicle maintenance facilities.

Epoxy.com PRODUCT #402 Chemical Resistant Polyurethane Coating is not for use in California


  • Excellent Abrasion Resistance
  • Excellent Chemical Resistance
  • UV Resistant - means a long life even in direct sunlight
  • Excellent Color Stability - Pigmented Version
  • Clear Version Resists Ambering Even in the Brightest Sunlight
  • Exterior and Interior Uses
  • May be used on both Horizontal and Vertical Applications
Epoxy.com Product #402 over Epoxy.com Chip Flooring

Epoxy.com Product #402 Clear
Over Chip Flooring - Over Basement Room
Picture Courtesy of Matt Dekman
Used with Permission - All Rights Reserved


Surface must be clean and sound. Remove all dirt, laitance, grease curing compounds and other foreign matter by sandblasting, or mechanical abrasion. Remove water and dust from all surfaces with an oil-free blast immediately prior to application.


Prime: For best bond to properly prepared surface, use Epoxy.com Product #899 Primer.

Body: Apply Epoxy.com PRODUCT #402 Chemical Resistant Polyurethane Coating with brush, roller (short napped), or squeegee followed with back rolling to get recommended thickness (3 mils DFT).

Finish: Apply top coat as required (minimum 3 mils DFT).

Epoxy.com PRODUCT #402 Chemical Resistant Polyurethane Coating is also available in the following forms:

  • As a slip or skid resistant finish using a non-skid additive in the finish.
  • As an electrostatic dissipating finish version - Epoxy.com Product #675


Epoxy.com Product #402 over Epoxy.com Chip Flooring

Epoxy.com Product #402 Clear
Over Chip Flooring - On Outside Patio
Picture Courtesy of AA Permacoat
Used with Permission - All Rights Reserved

Surface  to receive Epoxy.com PRODUCT #402 Chemical Resistant Polyurethane Coating must be dry. Minimum application temperature of 40°F (Contact Epoxy.com Technical Support for Low Temperature Cure). Maximum application temperature of 100°F. Avoid applications on surfaces without effective vapor barriers.


Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause eye and skin irritation. If contact occurs, wash immediately and seek medical help. Use safety glasses with side shields and wear protective rubber gloves.


All tools and equipment should be cleaned before the system gels. Use MEK, Acetone, or any lacquer solvent.

Physical Properties

Color Standard colors for this product are:
Clear (satin and gloss), White #001,
Light Gray #100, and Dark Gray. Other standard colors are available with a 30 gallon minimum ordere
Gloss, 60°F 85-100
Mix Ratio     2Ato 1B by volume
Pot Life 30-40 minutes @ 70°F
VOC 405 gm/liter
Solids Content, % volume    56.0
Coverage 300 ft2/gal @ 3 mils DFT


10-20 mil film 1O~14 hrs
Light Traffic 16 hrs
Ultimate Cure @ 74°F
5 days






Acetic Acid-5% L Iodine R
Acetone L Lactic Acid-15% R
Betadine R Methyl Ethyl Ketone L
Bleach L Nitric Acid-10% R
Citric Acid-30% R Skydrol R
Crude Oil R Sodium Hydroxid-50% R
Diesel Fuel R Sulfuric Acid-20% R
Ethylene Glycol R Toluene R
Fafty Acids L Urea R
Gasoline R Vinegar L
Hydrochloric Acid-15% R Xylene R
R= Recommended for continuous Service
L=Limited recommendation, occasional spills


Adhesion to concrete ACI Committee 403 200 psi (concrete fails)
Abrasion Resistance ASTM-C501 30-40 mg loss
     (CS-17 wheel, 1 kg load, 1000 cycles)
Service Temperature MIL- D-3134F 160°F (immersion) 250°F (dry heat)
Impact Resistance MTI-D-3134F ss 4.7.5 Withstands 16ft./lbs. no cracking, delamination or chipping
Elevated Temperature Resistance MIL-D-3134F ss 4.7.3   No slip or flow at required temperatures at 158°F
Water Absorption (24. hr. immersion) ASTM-D-670-63 0.10% maximum
Hardness ASTM D3363 2H±
Standard colors for this product are: Clear, White #001, and Light Gray #100.


You can find more information on Polyurethane Products, and many of our other products at news.epoxy.com.

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Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

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