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Epoxy.com Product #459

Polyurethane Flexible Membrane


Epoxy.com Product #459 is a two component, high solids, elastomeric urethane used in waterproofing applications.Epoxy.com Product #459 exhibits excellent elongation properties along with high tensile strength and tear resistance to make it an ideal crack resistant membrane for use under other Epoxy.com flooring systems. Epoxy.com Product #459 is also used with Epoxy.com Elastomeric Systems.


  • Bridges Hairline Cracks
  • Resistant to Automotive Fluids
  • Quick Cure Time
  • One Coat Application
  • Low Odor

Epoxy.com Product #459 is packaged with 41.5 pounds of Part A in a 6-gallon pail and 6 pounds of Part B in a gallon can to make a convenient 5-gallon unit.


  • Slabs on Grade Must Have an Efficient Vapor/Moisture Barrier
  • Substrate Must be Free of Curing Agents and Other Foreign Materials\
  • Minimum Application Temperature of 50ºF
  • Proper Respiratory Equipment Must Be Used When Required
  • Do Not Apply Epoxy.com Product #459 to Wet or Damp Surfaces


Color Grey
Mix Ratio
by volume
by weight
6.6 parts A - 1 part B
100 parts A - 13 parts B
Solids Content, by volume 96%
Weight per Gallon, mixed 9.16 lbs
Pot Life 30 mins @ 77ºF, 50% RH
Re-Coat Time 6 - 8 Hours


Tensile Strength ASTM-D-412 1500 psi
Ultimate Elongation ASTM-D-412 350-400%
Adhesion (unprimed) ASTM-D-904 60 pli
Hardness Shore A ASTM-D-2240 70-80
Impact Resistance ASTM-D-2794 160 In. lb.



Prepare surface in accordance with Epoxy.com Surface Preparation Guide New concrete must be cured at least 30 days. All con­crete curing compound must be mechanically re­moved, along with any foreign material. Old concrete must be structurally sound and prepped according to guidelines.


Prime where necessary with Epoxy.com Product #899 Primer. Mix two (2) Parts A and one (1) Part B by volume with low speed drill for two min­utes minimum. Apply with squeegee, brush, or roller. Do not puddle. Spread rate is approximately 250sq.ft./gallon.


Mix 6.6 Parts A to one (1) Part B by volume or 100 Parts A to 13 Parts B by weight using a low speed drill for 3 - 5 minutes.  Epoxy.com Product #459 can be applied by using a roller, air brush, spray, or notched squeegee at a rate of 50 to 55 square feet per gallon to yield 28 to 30 dry mils.


Clean tools with xylene or lacquer thinner.


Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

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A Vermont Corporation

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