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Epoxy.com High Temperature Resins

Product #660 Universal Primer Coatingr - used as a primeror Epoxy.com Novolac Vinyl Ester and Vinyl Ester Systems. is a one component, moisture cured polyurethane aluminum filled primer and coating. Its low viscosity, high "wetting" characteristics, and creep, undercutting, and blistering resistance make Product #660 Universal Primer and Finish a superior primer and finish coat. Product #660 Universal Primer and Finish undergoes a rapid molecular weight change as it polymerizes into a high molecular weight finish with excellent corrosion and abrasion resistance.

Product #661 Vinyl Ester Binder Adhesive is a clear, 100% reactive, vinyl ester novolac used to coat or line concrete or steel surfaces in chemically aggressive industrial environments. It is used for coating primary and secondary containment, trenches, troughs, pump pads, and equipment.

Product #662 Vinyl Ester Aggregate

Product #663 Vinyl Ester Coating is a 100% reactive, vinyl ester used to coat concrete or steel surfaces in chemically aggressive industrial environments. Due to its high molecular weight and low permeability, it will withstand exposure to bond range of acids, caustic and solvents. It is designed as a coating for secondary containment, trenches, troughs, pump pads, equipment and structural members. Low Temperature accelerators are available for positive cure at temperatures down as low as 33° F.

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

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A Division of Epoxy Systems, Inc
A Vermont Corporation

We have products that have passed the test of time as well as the best new Systems available today.

Since 1980 - 40 years of the highest quality products

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                         Katey Lambert-Fontaine, VP - Chief Operations Officer

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352-533-2167  Norm Lambert, President - Technical Support Director 

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                         Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO

352-489-1625   Fax line to all Departments

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