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Epoxy.com Product #29

Cold Temperature Cure Epoxy Mortar Binder


Epoxy.com Product #29 Cold Temperature Cure EPOXY MORTAR RESIN is a specially formulated binder for cold temperature applications. Able to cure at temperatures as low as 35°F. They are often used in coolers and food preparation areas that require constant low temperatures. Product #29 Cold Temperature Cure EPOXY MORTAR is also frequently used in room temperature applications to meet super-fast cure, limited shutdown needs.


  • Low temperature cure
  • Low odor during application and cure--will not taint foods
  • Superior stain and chemical resistance
  • Bonds well to cool, damp substrates


  • Substrate temperature must be a minimum of 35°F
  • Substrate must be free of dirt, waxes, curing agents, and other foreign materials


100% Solids Epoxy Resins, Epoxy Hardeners and Fillers



Surface Preparation is the most critical portion of any successful resinous flooring system application. All substrates must be properly prepared. For more information, Contact Epoxy.com Technical Service Department.


Installation of Epoxy.com Product #29 Cold Temperature Cure Polymeric Mortar Resin varies with your application needs. Contact Epoxy.com Technical Support Department for more details.


Clean skin with soap and water. Tools and equipment should be cleaned with xylene or lacquer thinner.


Epoxy.com Product #29 Cold Temperature Cure BINDER coverage varies with application method. Contact Epoxy.com Technical Support Department for estimating support.


Light Grey, Sand, Old Gold, Mocha, Brick Red, Taupe, Dark Grey, Slate Blue, Colonial Green, Charcoal, Caramel, Gem Grey, White Sand, White, and Black. Safety Yellow, Deep Blue, Ivy, and Honey Clear.  Custom colors available at an additional charge.


Viscosity @ 75°F  1,000 cps
Mixing Ratio 2 Parts A to 1 Part B by Volume
Solids Content 100%, by volume
Volatile Organic Content (VOC) 0
Weight per gallon 10.0-11.5 pounds per gallon, mixed


Pot Life 15 minutes @ 75°F
Dry to Touch 2-3 hours @ 75°F; 14-16 hours @ 35°F
Re-Coat 3-4 hours @ 75°F; 14-16 hours @ 35°F
Light Traffic 5-6 hours @ 75°F; 24 hours @ 35°F
Full Cure & Maximum Resistance 5 days

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

A Division of Epoxy Systems, Inc
A Vermont Corporation

We have products that have passed the test of time as well as the best new Systems available today.

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