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Epoxy Chemical Resistance Chart

Epoxy Chemical Resistance Selection Guide

Chemical Resistance Chart of Popular Epoxy.com Coating and Mortar Systems


# 1


# 630

# 633

Vinyl Ester #663

Acetone NR NR S-3 S-3 S-3
Acetic Acid  - 56% 5%-S-3 10% 20% S-2 +
Acetic Acid  - 84% NR NR ND S-2 S-2
Acetic Acid (Glacial) NR NR NR S-3 S-1
Aluminum Chloride - 30% NR ND + + +
Aluminum Nitrate - 50% NR ND + + +
Aluminum Sulfate - 50% NR ND + + +
Ammonium Hydroxide - 30% S-3 S-2 + + S-1
Ammonium Sulfate - 50% NR S-2 + + +
Ammonium Sulfide -50% NR S-2 + + +
Barium Sulfate NR S-1 + + +
Barium Sulfide NR S-1 + + +
Beer S-2 + + + +
Benzene NR NR S-2 S-2 S-2
Benzyl Alcohol NR S-2 + + S-2
Black Liquor NR ND + + +
Butyl Acetate NR S-3 + + +
Butyl Acetate (Normal) NR ND ND + +
Brake Fluid ND + + + +
Butanol (Normal) NR S-3 + + +
Calcium Chloride NR S-2 + + +
Calcium Hydroxide ND S-2 + + +
Carbon Tetrachloride NR S-3 ND + +
Citric Acid -40% S-3 S-1 S-1 S-1 +
Corn Oil ND + + + +
Crude Oil - Sour NR + + + +
Crude Oil -Sweet NR + + + +
Cumene NR S-3 ND + +
Cutting Oil NR S-1 + + +
Cyclohexeone NR S-3 S-3 + +
Diacetone Alcohol NR S-2 S-2 + +
Diesel Fuel + + + + +
Diethylene Glycol ND + + + +
Distilled Water ND + + + +
Ethanol NR S-2 + + S-1
Ethyl Acetate NR S-2 + + S-2
Ethyl Alcohol NR S-2 + + S-2
Ethylene Dichloide NR NR S-1 S-1 ND
Ethylene Glycol ND + + + +
Ethyl 3-Ethoxypropionate ND ND ND + ND
Ethylene Oxide NR ND ND + +
Ethlene Glycol Monopropyl Ether NR ND ND + ND
Freon ND ND S-1 S-1 ND
Fuel Oil ND + + + +
Gasoline (Unleaded) ND S-2 + + +
Gasoline (Premium Unleaded) ND S-2 + + +
Glucose NR S-1 + + +
Glycerine NR + + + +
Glyoxal - 40% NR ND + + S-2
Heptane NR S-2 + + +
Hexane NR S-2 + + +
Hexalene Glycol S-3 S-1 + + +
Hydraulic Fluid ND S-1 + + +
Hydrochloric Acid -10% S-2 S-1 + + +
Hydrochloric Acid 36% NR S-2 + + +
Hydrogen Peroxide -5% S-3 S-1 + + +
Hydrogen Peroxide - 30% NR S-2 ND + +
Iodine NR S-3 (Stain) + + +
Isobutyl Alcohol NR S-2 + + +
Isopropyl Alcohol NR S-2 + + +
JP - 4 Jet Fuel S-2 S-1 + + +
JP - 5 Jet Fuel S-2 S-2 + + +
Kerosene NR S-2 + + +
Ketchup S-3 + + + +
Lactic Acid - 50% NR S-2 + + +
MEK NR NR S-3 S-3 S-3
Methanol NR ND + + S-2
Methylene Chloride NR NR NR NR NR
MIBK NR NR S-2 + S-2
Mineral Spirits NR S-3 + + +
Naptha (VMP) NR S-3 + + +
Nitric Acid - 10% NR S-1 + + +
Nitric Acid - 30% NR NR NR NR +
Oxalic Acid NR ND + + +
Para Xylene NR ND ND + ND
Peanut Oil NR S-3 + + +
Perchloroethylene NR NR + + +
Phosphoric Acid - 10% S-3 + + + +
Phosphoric Acid -75% NR S-3 + + +
Phosphoric Acid - 85% NR S-3 + + +
Power Staring Fluid ND S-2 + + +
Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether NR ND ND + ND
Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate NR ND ND + ND
Pseudocumene NR ND ND + ND
Skydrol 500B S-2 + + + +
Sodium Hydroxide -50% + + + + +
Sodium Hydroxide - 70% NR S-2 + + S-2
Sodium Hypochlorite - 10% ND + + + +
Sodium Nitrate - 50% NR S-2 + + +
Sulfamic Acid ND S-1 + + +
Sodium Bisulfiate ND ND ND S2 ND
Sulfuric Acid 10% + + + + +
Sulfuric Acid 50% S-3 S-2 + + +
Sulfuric Acid 70% NR NR + + +
Sulfuric Acid 98% NR NR S-1 + S-2
Toluene NR S-3 + + +
Tomato Juice NR S-2 + + +
Transmission Fluid NR S-2 + + +
1.1.1 Trichloroethane NR NR ND + +
Urine NR + + + +
Vinegar NR NR + + +
Vinyl Tolene ND ND + + +
White Liquor ND ND + + +
Xylene NR S-1 + + +
+ = Continuous Service (greater than 6 months)
S1 = Splash and Spill with Weekly Cleanup
S2 = Splash and Spill with 24 hour Cleanup
S3 = Splash and Spill with Hourly Cleanup
NR= Not Recommended
ND= No Data

See Also: Information Needed About a Project to Select the Right Chemcial Resistant Epoxy

Factors such as temperature, application, Exposure, Etc. are beyond the control of  Epoxy.com a division of  Epoxy Systems, Inc. No warranty concerning these studies can be made.  Samples should be tested under actual or simulated condition for final decision on the suitability of the system. April 14, 2011

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

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