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Epoxy.com Product #668


Product #668 Conductive Epoxy Primer is a water-based, two component, carbon-filled conductive epoxy primer designed for use with various Epoxy.com Conductive Systems. Product #668  has very low odor making it suitable for use in occupied buildings.


  • For Use with Various Epoxy.com Conductive Systems
  • Maintains Electrical Conductivity Performance over the Wear Life of the System
  • Fast Dry Time
  • Low Odor During Application and Cure
  • VOC Compliant in all 50 US States, Meets USGBC LEED Requirements


  • Substrate must be above 50°F and relative humidity below 85% for proper curing.
  • Substrate must be properly prepared following Epoxy.com recommendations and free of dirt, waxes, curing agents and other foreign materials
  • Excessive moisture in the substrate will require a moisture vapor control treatment like Product #830
  • Concrete substrate must be insulated with a non-conductive epoxy primer/basecoat like Product #12 Chemical Resistant Epoxy Primer or Product #899 Epoxy Primer  prior to application of Product #668 Conductive Epoxy Primer. Consult with Epoxy.com Technical Department for recommendations.
  • Must be topcoated with a conductive topcoating like Product #1ESD, or Product #630 Conductive



Surface Preparation is the most critical portion of any successful resinous flooring system application. All substrates must be properly prepared and tested for moisture as outlined in installation proceedures or as recommended by Epoxy.com.



Product #668 Conductive Epoxy Primer:
PART A 1 quart to
PART B 3 quarts to
Clean Water 8 volume ounces (6% by volume of water)
Total 4.125 quarts

Coverage (250 square feet/gal.) 265.6 square feet per batch

Pre-mix Product #668 Conductive Epoxy Primer  part B prior to combining with part A. Mix 1 part A with 3 parts B for 2-3 minutes with a low-speed jiffy mixer, scraping sides and bottom of mix vessel. Continue mixing and add 6% by volume clean potable water and continue mixing for 1 additional minute.

Immediately spread and backroll mixed Product #668 Conductive Epoxy Primer at a rate of 250 ft2 per gallon with a short nap roller over previously applied non-conductive epoxy primer/basecoat. Care should be taken to avoid puddles. Allow to cure minimum 12 hours (at 75°F) to maximum 24 hours before coating with specified topcoat.

Important: Test Product #668 Conductive Epoxy Primer with ohm meter prior to topcoating to confirm acceptable level of conductivity is achieved. If test readings are higher than 25,000 ohms, contact Epoxy.com Technical Support Department for further instructions before installing specified topcoat.

Top Coat with a conductive topcoating like  Product #1ESD, or Product #630 Conductive


Clean skin with soap and water. Tools and equipment should be cleaned with warm soapy water, xylene or lacquer thinner. Consult Material Safety Data for safety and health precautions.


Waterborne Epoxy Resin and Conductive Filler. Color: Black.


Product #668 Conductive Epoxy Primer applied at 250 ft2 per gallon yields 2.7 mils dry film thickness.


Viscosity 500-1000 CPS
Mixing Ratio 1 Part A to 3 Parts B by Volume
Solids Content, by volume 45%, thinned
Volatile Organic Content (VOC) <10 g/L
Bond Strength to Concrete 300-400+ psi (100% concrete failure)
Shelf Life 6 months when properly stored

CURE/DRY TIME (@ 75°F, 50% RH)

Pot Life 20-30 minutes
Dry to Touch 6-8 hours
Recoat (Refer to testing requirements) 12-24 hours
Light Traffic 24 hours

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

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A Vermont Corporation

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