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Flexible Methyl Methacrylate Decking

Installation Quick Overview

Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Decking Installation Overview

This is a quick guide to the installation of the typical Epoxy.com Flexible Decking Systems and Overlay. This is intended to be a quick overview. Be sure to consult all of the specific tech data sheet associated with this system as well.

Step 1: Surface Preparation

Prepare the concrete for the installation of the material.  Be sure it is clean and sound: www.epoxy.com/surfaceprep.aspx.

Step 2: Crack Repair

Repair any cracks � contact Epoxy.com Technical support with details of the cracking so we can advise you on the best way to do this.

Step 3: Methyl Methacrylate Primer

Product #691 Primer � www.epoxy.com/691.aspx.

Epoxy.com Product #691 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Flooring Primer requires the addition of Epoxy.com Product #695 Hardener to start the hardening process. The amount of hardener must be adjusted to the respective surface temperature (see table below). At temperatures below 40°F, Accelerator 101 must be used in addition to the amount of hardener used at the 40°F level ( about � oz by vol./gal. @ 32°F, up to 2.0 oz by vol./gal. @ -20°F

Epoxy.com Product #691
MMA Primer


Epoxy.com Product #695 MMA Hardener (BPO)VOL OZ.PER GALLON OF RESIN













Remember to mix only small amounts that you can use in about 10 minutes.

Spread Epoxy.com Product #691 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Flooring Primer evenly on the surface (no puddles) with notched trowels, and/or squeegees and back rolled with short nap mohair rollers at no less than 100 sq ft/gal. on very absorbent surfaces. Two coats may be necessary to get an even, resin-rich surface to bond with the next layer.

It is recommended to broadcast 16-30 mesh quartz sand Product #77 (approximately 4 lbs/100 sq ft) into the wet primer. This will help in the application of the coating or troweled mortar. Apply next application only after the primer is completely hardened.

Step 4:

Epoxy.com Product #692 � www.epoxy.com/692.aspx. Again be sure to mix small batches.


Epoxy.com Product #692 Flexible Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) is typically used in conjunction with fillers and fine aggregate and requires the addition of Epoxy.com Product #695 MMA hardener to start the hardening process. The amount of hardener must be adjusted to the respective surface temperature (see table). At temperatures below 40°F, Accelerator 101 must be used in addition to the amount of hardener used at the 40°F level (about � oz by vol./gal. @ 32°F, up to 2.0 oz by vol./gal. @ -20°F).

Typical Slurry/Topping Formula




Epoxy.com Product #692

8.4 lbs.

1.0 gal.

Epoxy.com Product #82

20 lbs.

1.8 gal.

Pigment Pack


6.4 Vol. oz.

Epoxy.com Product #695 MMA Hardener

Follow chart

Follow Chart

Add hardener to the clear resin and blend; add dry powders and mix thoroughly with propeller mixer. Blend pigment and mix for 1-2 minutes until no lumps are present. Apply mix to the primed surface using a gauge rake or notched trowel. The above mixture will yield approximately 1.8 gal. of slurry. Coverage is:

3/32 inch

30 sq ft

1/8 inch

22-23 sq ft

3/16 inch

15.0 sq ft

1/4 inch

11.3 sq ft

PRODUCT #77The fresh slurry coat must be broadcast to excess with a wearing coarse of aggregate. Rates will vary from 0.25-1.25#/sq ft depending on type and size of aggregate. It is recommended to broadcast 16-30 mesh aggregate. Do not use broadcast aggregate smaller than 30 mesh. Aggregate may be natural or colored quartz, sand, aluminum oxide, emery, etc.

Epoxy.com Product #692 systems must be top coated, protected, or sealed with Epoxy.com Product #693 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Top Coating. These can be either pigmented or non-pigmented.

Pot Life and Hardening/Temperature

Temp. (°F) of
Resin, Air & Floor

Hardener by Vol.(oz.)
Based on Gallon
of #692 MMA Resin

Pot Life (min.)



8.0 Approx.

25 Approx.



7.0 Approx.

25 Approx.



5 Approx.

20 Approx.



5 Approx.

20 Approx.


Below 41°F Epoxy.com Product # 696 Accelerator must be used in addition to the amount of hardener used at the 41°F level (about � oz by vol./gal. @ 32°F, up to 2.0 oz by vol./gal. @ -20°F).


Step 5:

Sweep and vacuum all loose sand from the surface (step 4) after the material has hardened.

Step 6:

Epoxy.com Product #693 � www.epoxy.com/693.aspx.



Surface Preparation is the most critical portion of any successful resinous flooring system application. All substrates must be properly prepared as outlined in Epoxy.com Surface Preparation Guide.


Epoxy.com Product #693 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Sealer and Coating requires the addition of Epoxy.com Product #695 MMA Hardener to start the hardening process. The amount of hardener must be adjusted to the respective surface temperature (see table below). At temperatures below 40 ° F, Epoxy.com Product #696 Accelerator must be used in addition to the amount of hardener used at the 40°F level (about � oz by vol./gal. @ 32°F up to 2.0 oz by vol./gal. @ -20°F).

For Epoxy.com Product #693 MMA Resin

Temp. (°F) of Resin,
Air & Floor Surface

Hardener % by Wt.
Based on Wt. of
#693 Resin

Hardener by Vol.
(oz.) Based on
Gallon of #693 Resin

Pot Life (min.)

Harden Time (min.)




Approx. 40

Approx. 60




Approx. 30-35

Approx. 50




Approx. 25-30

Approx. 45




Approx. 20

Approx. 40

Epoxy.com Product #693 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Coating must be applied 50-100 sq. ft./gal. (16-32 mils) for safe through-hardening. To avoid yellowness do not apply more than 80 mils (20 sq ft/gal.). For outdoor applications add 1% Epoxy.com Product #693 UV Inhibitor at a rate of 1% by volume. Pigmented topcoats are achieved by adding pigment packs (1 quart per 5 gallons resin) to Epoxy.com Product #693 Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Coating. Apply material with a notched trowel or squeegee and back roll with a short nap mohair roller.

Broadcast uncured Epoxy.com Product #693 with Epoxy.com Product #77 Broadcast aggregate at a rate of about 1 lb per square foot.

See also:

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

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