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Pigmented Epoxy Mortar

Epoxy Mortar Binder Resin100% Solids Zero VOC

Epoxy.com Product #24


Pigmented Epoxy Mortar Resin Product #24 is a multipurpose colored epoxy binder for Epoxy Mortar Systems. This all purpose epoxy resin is characterized as an excellent general purpose material with good clarity and color retention. It is essentially odorless and can therefore be used in occupied areas. Pigmented Epoxy Mortar Resin Product #24 is 100% solids and has Zero (0) VOC, so it meets event the strictest low VOC standards.


Epoxy.com Product #24 Pigmented Epoxy Mortar used on a the bathroom floor a a dorm at UVM in Burlington, Vermont
  • Good troweling properties
  • Excellent color retention
  • Low odor for Good troweling properties
  • Excellent color retention


  • Minimum application temperature of 50°F (Contact Epoxy System, Inc. for Low Temperature Cure)
  • .
  • Substrate must be free of curing agents and any foreign materials.
  • Slight color variation can be expected from batch to batch.
  • Pigmented version should not be used as a coating.


100% solids amine cured Epoxy Resin and Epoxy Hardener.



Surface Preparation is the most critical portion to any successful resinous flooring system application. All substrates to receive Pigmented Epoxy Mortar Resin Product #24 must be properly prepared as outlined in Epoxy Surface Preparation Procedures. Epoxy.com technical service department is pleased to answer any questions.


Will vary with application method.


Color Light Grey, Taupe, Sand, Dark Grey, Old Gold, Slate Blue, Mocha, Colonial Green, Brick Red, Deep Blue, White. Black, Safety Yellow
Gloss, 60°F 85-1 00
Weight/gallon 9.00-9.5mixed
Solids Content 100%
Mix Ratio 4A to I B by volume
Pot Life 30-40minutes @ 70°F
Viscosity 950 cps, mixed approx.
10-20 mil film 10-14 hrs.
Light Traffic 16 hrs.
Ultimate Cure @ 74°F 5 days
Dry Time @ 50°F 14 days

Epoxy.com Product #24 Colored Epoxy Mortar Resin Color Chart Click the picture of color card below  for a larger version of this picture of the color chart.
Please note:  The picture to the right is a photographic reproduction of the color card for this product.  The photo reproduction process and your monitor and/or printer will change these colors.  This chart is to give you an idea of the colors available and not intended for critical color selections.


R-Recommended for continuous service. L-Limited recommendation, occasional spills.





Acetic Acid-5% L Lactic Acid-15% R
Acetone L Methyl Ethyl Ketone L
Bleach L Nitric Acid-10% R
Citric Acid-30% R Skydrol R
Crude Oil R Sodium Hydroxide-50%   R
Diesel Fuel R Sulfuric Acid-20% R
Ethylene Glycol R Toluene R
Fatty Acids L Urea R
Gasoline R Vinegar L
Hydrochloric Acid-15%   R Xylene R


Tensile Strength ASTM-D-638 8500 psi
Elongation ASTM-D-638 5.5%
Adhesion to metal 2500 psi
Adhesion to concrete ACI Committee 403 350 psi (concrete fails)
Hardness ASTM-D-2240 80 (Shore D)
Abrasion Resistance ASTM-C-501 35-40 mg loss
(CS-17 wheel, 1 kg load, 1000 cycles)
Service Temperature MIL- D-3134F 160 F (immersion)
185 F (dry heat)
Impact Resistance MIL-D3134F § 4.7.3 Withstands 16ft/lbs.
no cracking, delamination or chipping.
Indentation MIL-D-3134F §4.7.4 Withstands 2,000 lbs./sq. in. for 30 min.
without indentation.
Elevated Temperature Resistance
MIL-D-31 34F §4 7 5
No slip or flow
at required temperatures at 158°F
Water Absorption ASTM-D-670-63 (24. hr. immersion) 0.10% maximum
Flexural Strength ASTM-D-790 8,000 psi
Compressive Strength ASTM-D-695 11,000 psi

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

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A Vermont Corporation

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