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Splash Zone Epoxy and
Underwater Epoxy Paste

Underwater Epoxy Repairs and Crack Filling

Epoxy.com Product #2707


Splash Zone Epoxy and Underwater Epoxy Paste Product #2707 is a moisture-insensitive, two-component, 100% solids epoxy-resin system. Splash Zone Epoxy and Underwater Epoxy Paste Product #2707 is mixed at a 2:1 ratio, by volume, this product produces a paste-like material that is ideal for protection or restoration of concrete, steel and timber piles and other structural elements in marine environments.

We have some of this product made up right now.  So individual units are available while supplies last. Normally this is a special made to order material. 45 gallon minimum order required. Curently smaller quantity available while supplies last. Please check to see if we still have some left in small quantity.

This product can be used where contamination from water can occur during the cure process or it can be used directly underwater.


  • Convenient 2:1 mixing ratio
  • Faster Cure
  • Hand-applied
  • Can be used above, below, or at the waterline
  • Resists wave action
  • Restores structural integrity
  • Bonds to wet surface


Recommended for repairing cracks and defects in concrete or masonry under water or on wet substrates.


Viscosity Mixed 2,500,000 - 3,000,000 cps typical
Color Mixed Tan/light Brown
Compressive Strength ASTM  D 695 9400 psi
Adhesion 405 psi (dry) 350 psi (wet) @ ecometer
       (concrete failure, no delamination)
Tensile Strength
    ASTM D638
4,102 psi
Flexural Strength ASTM D7904,910 psi
Ultimate Elongation2.3%
Shrinkage ASTM C-883-80No Shrinkage Used with concrete
Pot Life 1.5 gallon batch 20-30 minutes @ 70°F
Gardner Variable Impactor 50 inch pounds direct - passed
Hardnes Shore D 65
Heat Deflection 138°F>Dry to Touch
Tach Free (dry to touch) 3-12 hours
Recoat or Topcoat 3-12 hours
Light Traffic 10-24 hours
Full Cure 2-7 days
Application Temperature 35° to 90°
Mix Ratio by Volume 2A:1B
Packaging Information 3 gallon units


Mix only as much Splash Zone Epoxy and Underwater Epoxy Paste Product #2707 as you can use within 20 min. or less at 70 degrees F.  If the temperature is higher your working time will be much shorter. It is always better to start with smaller batches and to gradually increase the size, to be sure that you have enough working time. Material temperature should be a minimum of 60°F for ease of mixing. Mix "A" & "B" Components together, by hand, until a uniform gray color is achieved.


Remove all deteriorated material, barnacles or other marine growth by mechanical abrasion, water or sand blasting. Typically the better the surface preparation, the better the bond. To avoid contamination, apply Splash Zone Epoxy and Underwater Epoxy Paste Product #2707 to prepared surface as quickly as possible. It is always best to do a mockup to verify that your surface preparation is adequate. This product is intended for hairline cracks and other fractures up to an 1/8 inch in width. Remove all unsound concrete from within the crack to be repaired and thoroughly remove all debris from within the crack opening.


For best results, apply Splash Zone Epoxy and Underwater Epoxy Paste Product #2707 by hand using tight-fitting rubber or plastic gloves. (Wet gloves with slightly soapy water before working with material.) Press material onto surface and knead into place in maximum lift thickness of approximately 2". Smooth gently by rubbing with gloves using water as a lubricant. For smaller areas you can use a concrete grout bag.


Do not thin Splash Zone Epoxy and Underwater Epoxy Paste Product #2707. Since conditions content vary greatly, it is recommended that a sample application be made to ensure the intended performance. Do not apply when water or ambient temperature is below 50°F.


One (1) gallon of Splash Zone Epoxy and Underwater Epoxy Paste Product #2707 will yield 231 CI and cover 12.8 SF @ 1/8" thickness 125 mil.


One (1) years for Components "A" and "B".


  • Color stability may be affected by environmental conditions such as immersion service, temperature, or chemical exposure.
  • Colors may vary from batch to batch.
  • This product is not UV color stable and will discolor when exposed to UV rays or some indoor lighting such as sodium vapor lights.
  • All new concrete must be cured for at least 30 days prior to application.
  • It is advisable to place test patches prior to undertaking underwater or water contaminated repairs to insure product and surface compatibility.
  • The temperature of the water may increase or decrease the time for the material to cure, dependent on the temperature of the water.
  • Physical properties are typical values and not specifications.


Store product at normal room temperature before using. Continuous storage should be between 60 and 90° F. Low temperatures or temperature fluctuations may cause crystallization.


This product has a mix ratio of 2 parts A to 1 part B by volume. To mix, simply measure out equal volumes of the material and mix them together thoroughly with slow speed mixing equipment such as a jiffy mixer, putty knife or spatula until the material is thoroughly mixed and uniform in color. Mix only an amount of material that can be used in the allotted pot life period. Improper mixing may result in product failure.


No priming is necessary.


The mixed material can be applied by marginal trowel, putty knife or any other suitable equipment. It is important to thoroughly work the paste into the repair area so as to displace any water from within the repair area. This product can be used underwater as well as in any area where the flow of water cannot be controlled.


For underwater repairs, we do not recommend any topcoat be applied. However, in areas where water contamination may occur during the cure process but subsequent to topcoat application, contact Epoxy.com Technical Support for a recommendation for your specific project.


Use Xylene.


Caution! Some cleaners may affect the color of the fast set gel installed. Test each cleaner in a small area, utilizing your cleaning technique. If no ill effects are noted, you can continue to clean with the product and process tested.


You can find more information on Epoxy Gel Adhesive Products, and many of our other products at news.epoxy.com.


DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ON OUR LIABILITY We warrant that our products are manufactured to strict quality assurance specifications and that the information supplied by us is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Such information supplied about our products is not a representation or a warranty. It is supplied on the condition that you shall make your own tests to determine the suitability of our product for your particular purpose. Any use or application other than recommended herein is the sole responsibility of the user. Listed physical properties are typical and should not be construed as specifications. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING SUCH OTHER INFORMATION, THE DATA ON WHICH IT IS BASED, OR THE RESULTS YOU WILL OBTAIN FROM ITS USE. N0 WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE MERCHANTABLE OR THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION OR OUR PRODUCT WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON ANY PATENT. We shall have no liability for incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect. Our liability is limited to the net selling price of our product or the replacement of our product, at our option. Acceptance of delivery of our product means that you have accepted the terms of this warranty whether or not purchase orders or other documents state terms that vary from this warranty. No representative is authorized to make any representation or warranty or assume any other liability on our behalf with any sale of our products. Our products contain chemicals that may CAUSE SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. BEFORE USING, READ THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET AND FOLLOW ALL PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT BODILY HARM.

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

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