Epoxy.com Logo - Epoxy, Polyurethane, Polysulfide, Polyester, MMA - Methyl Methacrylate and other Construction Resin Systems - Over 350 Products- Since 1980
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Fast Cure Epoxy and
Low Temperature Cure Epoxy

  • Epoxy.com Product #1 Fast  - is a shorter potlife, and faster setting version of Epoxy.com Product #1,
  • Epoxy.com Product #1 Cold Temperature Cure  is a version of Epoxy.com Product #1 that sets even faster than Product#1 Fast.  Typically used in colder temperatures, or where an very fast cure is required.
  • Epoxy.com Product #2 Fast  is a  shorter potlife, and faster setting version of Product #2
  • Epoxy.com Product #2 Cold Temperature Cure & is a version of that sets even faster than Epoxy.com Product#2 Fast Cure.  Typically used in colder temperatures, or where an very fast cure is required.
  • Epoxy.com Product #204 Cold Temperature Cure Polymeric Coating -   is a specially formulated coating for cold temperature applications. Able to cure at temperatures as low as 35°F. It is often used in coolers and food preparation areas that require constant low temperatures. It is also frequently used in room temperature applications to meet super-fast cure, limited shutdown needs.



Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

A Division of Epoxy Systems, Inc
A Vermont Corporation

We have products that have passed the test of time as well as the best new Systems available today.

Since 1980 - 40 years of the highest quality products

Hours: 9AM-4PM Eastern Time (6AM-1PM Pacific Time)

Closed for lunch from 12Noon to 1PM

321-206-1833  Customer Service - Ordering and Order Status
                         Katey Lambert-Fontaine, VP - Chief Operations Officer

                        Technical Support
352-533-2167  Norm Lambert, President - Technical Support Director 

352-489-1666  Accounting and Administration
                         Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO

352-489-1625   Fax line to all Departments

Copyright © 1994-2022 (providing online information about the right product for the right job for over 25 years)  EPOXY.COM a division of Epoxy Systems, Inc. - Florida and Vermont.  All rights reserved.

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