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Mechanical Room Floor

Guide Specification

General Information

Epoxy.com Mechanical Room Floor is a fluid applied, resilient flooring system for concrete and wooden floors in mechanical rooms or other applications where crack isolation is required.  The resilient properties of the floor help to provide sound deadening quality and cushioning underfoot.

Surface Preparation

Surface preparation is extremely important to insure the success of any flooring system application.  All substrates should be prepared in accordance with Epoxy.com Surface Preparation Guide that can be found at: www.epoxy.com/surfaceprep.aspx or a copy can be requested from Epoxy.com Technical Support Department.  Specific attention should be given to the following:

A.  Concrete Placement: A properly working moisture vapor barrier under slabs on and below grade to prevent the migration of moisture vapor transfer.

B. Curing and finishing Techniques of the Concrete Substrate.

C. Concrete should be at least 28 days old.

D. Previous contamination of the substrate should be completely removed

E. Current condition of the concrete.

The temperature and humidity conditions in the area that will receive the flooring should be check.  Ideal conditions are 75°F with a minimum temperature of 50 °F is required for the proper curing of the floor.

Material Quantities

Guidelines for Material Requirements per 1000 SF

Material Quantity Per 1000 SF
Epoxy.com Product #899 Primer 4 gallons
Epoxy.com Product #32 Flexible Epoxy Membrate 20 Gallons
Epoxy.com Product #32 - Second Coat 20 Gallons
Epoxy.com Product #77 - Broadcast
           Optionally this broadcast layer can be left out and an optional Anti-skid fine used at a rate of 1.25 gallons (1 pint per gallon of Product #1 below) per 1000 SF.
450 lbs.

Epoxy.com Product #1 - 100% Solids Epoxy Coating 10 Gallons


A. Priming

1.  Primer shall be Epoxy.com Product #899 Primer as manufactured by Epoxy.com a Division of Epoxy Systems, Inc. 

2.  Material Properties:

a.  General Properties

  1. Moisture insensitive (cures on damp or wet surfaces)
  2. Withstands movement from thermal change
  3. Meets ASTM C-881 Type III, Grade 1 Class B and C std. spec.
  4. Low Viscosity - Excellent wetting properties
  5. Good shock absorption qualities
  6. Versatile
  7. Forms Virtual Moisture Barrier 

b. Application Properties

Mix Ratio 2:1 By Volume
Viscosity (mixed) 400-450 cps
Initial Cure 6 - 8 hours (with normal cure hardener)
Recoat (coating system) 10-12 hours (regular cure) :4-6 hours (fast cure)
Final Cure 24 hours
Potlife 30-40 minute (with regular cure hardner)
Packaging (unit size) 3 gal unit, 15 gal unit, 165 gallon unit
Standard Colors clear
Colors Standard Colors Available at an Additional Charge

c. Physical Properties

Elongation (ASTM D-638) Greater than 10%
Compressive Strength (ASTM D-695) 10,000 PSI (min)
Tensile Strength (ASTM D-790) 3,500 PSI
Concrete Bond Strength (ASTM C-882) 2,290 PSI
Shrinkage (ASTM C-883) Passed Test
Thermal Compatibility (ASTM C-884) Passed Test
Adhesion to Concrete (ACI Committee 403) 250 PSI (concrete fails)

3. Mix the Epoxy.com Product #899 Primer

a.  Stir each component prior to mixing the components with each other.

b.  Mix 2 parts Resin "A" with 1 Part Hardener "B", and stir for 3 minutes with a low speed drill and an Epoxy.com Mixing Paddle.

c.  Thinning is typically not necessary and not recommended.  However, if thinning is required, use no more than 1 quart of urethane or laboratory grade xylene per gallon of total mix of the 899 Primer.

d.  Make small batches.  Only mix what can be used in 30 minutes.  Batches that you can use even sooner than that is preferred.   See http://www.epoxy.com/install.htm for more information.

4. Application

a. Spread or roll the Epoxy.com Product #899 at a rate of 250 square feet per gallon.

b. Gently back roll with a a short nap roller.

5.  Allow the primer to sit for 8 to 12 hours.  If the primer is going to be allowed to set more than 24 hours, broadcast the surface with dry clean silica sand.

B. Flexible Epoxy Membrane

1. Flexible Epoxy Membrane Material shall be Epoxy.com Product #32 Flexible Epoxy Membrane as manufactured by Epoxy.com a division of Epoxy Systems, Inc.

2.  Material Properties

a.  General Properties

  1. Crack Resistant - Elasticity Allows Substrate Movement
  2. Ultimate Elongation of 100%
  3. Moisture Insensitive
  4. Reduces Noise Created by Mechanical Vibrations
  5. Waterproof
  6. Good Shock Absorption Qualities
  7. Good Chemical Resistance

b.  Application Properties

Mix Ratio 1:1 by volume
Gel Time 40 minutes
Color Gray, Clear
Viscosity (mixed) 2,200 CPS
Initial Cure 8 hours
Final Cure 48-72 hours

c. Performance Properties

Tensile Strength (ASTM D-412) 1000 p.s.i.
Ultimate Elongation (ASTM D-412) 100%
Adhesion (unprimed - ASTM D-904) 30 pli
Adhesion to Concrete(ACI Committee 403) 250 p.s.i (Concrete Fails)
Hardness Shore A (ASTM D-2240) 70-80
Impact Resistance (ASTM D-2794) 16 ft. lbs.

3. Mix the Epoxy.com Product #32 Membrane

a.  Stir each component prior to mixing the components with each other.

b.  Mix 1 parts Resin "A" with 1 Part Hardener "B", and stir for 3 minutes with a low speed drill and an Epoxy.com Mixing Paddle.

c.  Do not thin.

d.  Make small batches.  Only mix what can be used in 30 minutes.  Batches that you can use even sooner than that is preferred.   See http://www.epoxy.com/install.htm for more information.

4. Application of first coat.

a. Spread or roll the Epoxy.com Product #32 at a rate of 50 square feet per gallon.

b. Gently back roll with a a short nap roller.

5.  Allow the Product #32 to cure overnight

6.  Application of second coat.

a. Spread or roll the Epoxy.com Product #32 at a rate of 50 square feet per gallon.

b. Gently back roll with a a short nap roller.

c. Broadcast 30 mesh silica sand into the wet Product #32 until the surface of the Product #32 Flexible Epoxy Membrane appears to be dry. Be careful not to clump the material and cause high spots. You will need about 3 to 6 lbs of sand for ever 10 square feet.  If terminating the system with tape broadcast up to the tape and remove the tape from the edges after the material has cured for only about 30 minutes.  Never walk in the wet material without spiked shoes.  Never walk on the floor after it has been broadcast with silica.

7.  Allow to cure overnight.  Sweep off the excess silica sand with a stiff bristled broom. Stone with a rubbing stone if a finer finish is required.  Vacuum the floor completely. 

C.  Sealing the system.

The finish of the floor is dependent on the number of coats applied to the surface.  1 coat will result in a rougher floor, and 2 or more coats will result in smoother finishes.  The following procedures shall be done for each coat that is required.

1.  Top Coating (sealing coat) shall be Epoxy.com Product #1 as manufactured by Epoxy.com a division of Epoxy Systems, Inc.

2. General Properties

  • Moisture Insensitive
  • Ceramic like finish
  • Sprayable
  • Solvent Free
  • Waterproof
  • Extremely Durable
  • Chemical Resistant

3.  Physical Properties


Mix Ratio  2:1 By Volume 
Viscosity (mixed) 950 CPS       
Pot Life (200 gr.) in minutes @70 Degrees F. 30-40 (normal cure)
Set Time in Hours @ 70 Degrees F. 10-12 (normal cure)
Initial Cure 24 Hours
Final Cure 5 Days
Packaging Unit Size 3 gal. 15 gal.
Standard Colors See Color Chart

4. Mix the Epoxy.com Product #1 Coating

a.  Stir each component prior to mixing the components with each other.

b.  Mix 2 parts Resin "A" with 1 Part Hardener "B", and stir for 3 minutes with a low speed drill and an Epoxy.com Mixing Paddle.

c.  Thinning is typically not necessary and not recommended.  However, if thinning is required, use no more than 1 pint of urethane or laboratory grade xylene per gallon of total mix of the Product #1 Coating.

d.  Make small batches.  Only mix what can be used in 30 minutes.  Batches that you can use even sooner than that is preferred.  

4. Application

a. Spread or roll the Epoxy.com Product #1 at a rate of 160 square feet per gallon.

b. Gently back roll with a a short nap roller.

c.  Allow the Product #1 to sit for 12 hours at 75°F before recoating.  If additional coats are to be installed do not allow more than 24 hours to elapse, in between coats.

d.  Do not open to light traffic for 24 hours.  Full chemical cure and scratch resistance are achieved in 5 days at 75°F

Other Resources:

Surface Preparation:  http://www.epoxy.com/surfaceprep.aspx

Installation tips:  http://www.epoxy.com/install.htm

Coating Installation Guide: https://www.epoxy.com/install_coating.htm

Epoxy.com Product #899 Technical data sheet: http://www.epoxy.com/899.htm

Epoxy.com Product #32 Membrane Technical Data Sheet:  http://www.epoxy.com/flex.htm

Epoxy.com Product #1 Technical Data Sheet: http://www.epoxy.com/1.htm

Epoxy.com Product #899 MSDS: http://www.epoxy.com/msds/899.pdf

Epoxy.com Product #32 MSDS "A" component: https://www.epoxy.com/msds/32A.pdf

Epoxy.com Product #32 MSDS "B" component: https://www.epoxy.com/msds/32B.pdf

Epoxy.com Product #1 MSDS "A" component: https://www.epoxy.com/msds/1a.pdf

Epoxy.com Product #1 MSDS "B: component: https://www.epoxy.com/msds/Epoxy.com_Product1_Part_B_MSDS.pdf

Epoxy.com Product #77 MSDS: https://www.epoxy.com/msds/77.pdf

Epoxy.com Technical Support Department: 714-657-2826

Epoxy.com Customer Service Department 321-206-1833 - for ordering.


Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

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A Vermont Corporation

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                        Technical Support
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                         Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO

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