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Epoxy Quartz Single Broadcast Installation Instructions

Epoxy.com Product#15 with Colored Quartz


Epoxy.com PRODUCT #15 with Colored Quartz is a decorative resin flooring system consisting of clear, 100% solids epoxy resin and colored quartz aggregate. Epoxy.com PRODUCT #15 with Colored Quartz Granules is finished with clear catalyst-cured coats of resin available in a satin or gloss finish. The installed system can be textured or smooth as desired. Easy maintenance minimizes bacterial growth. Epoxy.com QUARTZ GRANULES are available in a series of pre-blended patterns or solid colors. Epoxy.com Product #15 with Colored Quartz is intended for inside use.

Before installation, please review Epoxy.com Technical Bulletin Do With Epoxy   and Do Not Do with Epoxy


Surface Preparation is the most critical portion of any successful resinous flooring system application. All substrates must be properly prepared as outlined in Epoxy.com Surface Preparation TECHNICAL BULLETIN or Concrete Surface Preperation Specific attention should be paid to the following:

A. Concrete Placement--An efficient vapor barrier should be under slabs on or below grade to prevent moisture migration.B. Curing and Finishing Techniques of the Concrete Substrate

C. Age of Concrete

D. Previous Contamination of the Substrate

E. Present Condition of the Substrate

Also, the temperature and humidity conditions of the area to receive the flooring system should be checked. An optimum room temperature of 75°F with a minimum slab temperature of 50°F is required for proper cure of the resin flooring system.


A. Guideline System Requirements for 1000 ft�

  1. Epoxy.com Product #15 used as a primer (optional) 4 gallons
  2. Epoxy.com Product #15 Epoxy Binder (seed coat) 10 gallons
  3. Epoxy.com Blended Granules 500 pounds
  4. Epoxy.com Product #15 Epoxy Binder (grout coat) 6 gallons
  5. Epoxy.com Product #15 Epoxy Binder (seal coat) 6 gallons
  6. Epoxy.com Product #402 (optional) 3 gallons


A. Priming

While priming is optional on broadcast systems,

Epoxy.com Technical Support recommends that every flooring system be installed with a primer to insure maximum adhesion to the prepared substrate. Priming will also help to seal air in the concrete and prevent outgassing and air bubbling in the finished system.

1. Mixing Product #15 Binder

a. Stir each component prior to mixing.

b. Mix two (2) parts by volume of Part A (Base) with one (1) part by volume of Part B (Hardener) for three minutes with a low speed electric drill mixing paddle.

c. If thinning is desired, add no more than one pint of xylene per gallon of epoxy at time of mixing.

d. Mix only that amount of material that can be used in 40 minutes.

2. Application

a. Pour primer onto the prepared concrete.

b. Spread with either a flat trowel or squeegee to a coverage of to 250 sq. ft. per gallon.

c. Back roll with a short nap roller.

d. Broadcast lightly with dry 30-mesh silica sand.

e. Allow Primer to sit for 10 to 16 hours.

B. Single Seed Quartz

1. Mixing Epoxy.com Product #15 Epoxy Binder

a. Stir each component prior to mixing.

b. Mix two (2) parts by volume of Part A (Base) with one (1) part by volume of Part B (Hardener) for three minutes with a low speed electric drill mixing paddle.

c. Mix only that amount of material that can be used in 20-25 minutes.

2. Application

a. Immediately pour mixed material onto floor in strips and spread at a rate of 100 to 110 ft� per gallon using a trowel, squeegee, or roller. A notched trowel or notched squeegee will help to achieve even distribution. If using a flat squeegee or trowel, it is recommended that the material be lightly backrolled with a medium-nap roller to smooth and level any tails or ridges.

b. To minimize marks in finished system, the contractor should wear "spiked" shoes while walking on wet material.

c. Allow the material to level for approximately 10 to 15 minutes.

Termination points at the end of the day should be made at doorways, expansion joints, etc. If it is not possible to terminate at these points, 2" masking tape should be placed in a straight line at the ending point. Carefully trowel the material up to and slightly over the inside edge of the tape. Allow material to cure for about thirty (30) minutes and remove the tape.

3. Broadcast to excess

Broadcast Epoxy.com Blended Quartz Granules into the wet floor system until the surface of the system appears dry. Be careful not to clump the material or produce high spots. Approximately 4 to 5 pounds of sand will be needed for 10 sq ft. of flooring. If terminating the system with tape as described in note above, broadcast sand up to the tape and remove after material cures for thirty (30) minutes. Remember to only walk on the wet surface while wearing "spiked" shoes!!! Do not walk on floor after broadcasting.

4. Allow the seeded floor to cure overnight. Sweep excess sand with a stiff bristled broom or power vacuum. A light sanding or rubbing with a stone will aid in achieving a uniform "sanded" surface.

C. Grouting and Sealing

The grouting and sealing of a floor should be performed over the entire area receiving the system. The applicator should complete the single seed portion of the application prior to grouting and sealing. The coverage rate and number of the applied grout and seal coats dictate the final texture of the floor. Higher coverage rates will yield rougher textures.

1. Grouting

a. Mix Epoxy.com Product #15 as described in the section above.

b. Spread the Epoxy.com Product #15 at a rate of approximately 125-160 sq ft per gallon over the rough sand surface using a flat trowel or sgueeqee tightly over the surface.

c. Lightly back-roll the material with a short nap roller to help spread the material and eliminate trowel marks.

d. Allow material to cure at least eight hours.

2. Seal Coat

Using Epoxy.com Product #15 Epoxy Binder

a. Mix Epoxy.com Product #15 as described in the section above.

b. Application

i. Spread the Epoxy.com Product #15 at a rate of approximately 125-160 sq. ft. per gallon over the surface. Methods include a flat trowel, or squeegee tightly; or roller over the surface.

ii. Lightly back-roll the material with a short nap roller to help spread the material and eliminate trowel marks.

iii. Do not open to light traffic for 24 hours. Full chemical cure and maximum resistance are achieved in seven (7) days.

Using Epoxy.com Product #402 Urethane Topcoat (optional)

a. Mixing

i. Thoroughly mix each component prior to combining.

ii. Mix one (2) parts by volume of Part A (Resin) with one (1) part by volume of Part B (Hardener) for three minutes with a low speed electric drill mixing paddle.

iii. Do not mix more material than can be used in 20 minutes.

b. Application

i. Pour material onto floor in a line and spread with a roller or flat squeegee to a coverage of 250 sq ft/gallon. This will yield 3 to 4 mils dry film thickness.

ii. Slowly back roll with a short nap mohair roller to even the surface texture of the coating.

Do not open to light traffic for 24 hours. Full chemical cure and maximum resistance are achieved in five (5) days.

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

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