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Self Leveling Epoxy Filler

Epoxy.com Product #78

Epoxy.com Product #78 Self-Leveling Epoxy Filler is a specially graded blend of fine dry silica sands, designed as a self leveling filler for Epoxy.com  100%Solids Epoxy Mortar Products.  It is dried before bagging.  Epoxy.com Product #78 works best when being used with a low viscosity resin like Epoxy.com Product #10 , Product #24 and Product #28.  The amount of Product #78 Self-Leveling Epoxy Filler that you add can be varied for the application.

Hardness MOH Scale—7 Minimum
Specific Gravity—2.60 ± .1
Moisture Content—0.1% ±


WARNING! CONTAINS FREE SILICA. DO NOT BREATHE DUST. May cause delayed lung injury (silicosis). Follow O.S.H.A. safety and health standards for crystalline silica (quartz).


 For a copy of the MSDS please see: http://www.epoxy.com/msds/78.pdf


Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

A Division of Epoxy Systems, Inc
A Vermont Corporation

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