Epoxy.com Polyurethane Coatings
- Epoxy.com Product #401 - 2 Component Aliphatic
Urethane Coating is a two (2) component, high-solids, urethane
coating. Urethane Coating is a two (2) component, high-solids, urethane
coating. Epoxy.com Product #401 Aliphatic Urethane Coating
is a superior coating that provides the ultimate in weather resistance.
Epoxy.com Product #401 Urethane Coating offers outstanding abrasion
resistance, excellent chemical resistance and color retention in severe
conditions. Epoxy.com Product #401 Urethane Coating
offers the utmost in a light stable, weather-resistant coating.
Epoxy.com Product #401 Urethane Coating is an excellent coating for
concrete, wood and primed steel. Brush, roller or spray can apply
Epoxy.com Product #401 Urethane Coating.Epoxy.com
Product #401 is a convenient 2:1 ratio, by volume, with a pot life of
six (6) hours plus.
Product #403 Urethane Coating Aliphatic
- Epoxy.com Product #407 Aliphatic Traffic
Bearing Membrane is a two component, ultra high solids
aliphatic polyurethane elastomeric membrane. When applied, it is resilient
and accommodates movement in concrete substrates.
Epoxy.com Product #407 Aliphatic Traffic Bearing Membrane is used as a
top coat traffic bearing membrane or non-skid coating that retains color and
physical properties when exposed to harsh UV conditions.
Epoxy.com Product #407 Aliphatic Traffic Bearing Membrane is used as a
system with
Epoxy.com Product #882 Concrete Membrane Deck Primer,
and may be applied as the top coat on Epoxy.com Product
#409 Traffic Bearing Membrane to maximize cost effectiveness.
Epoxy.com Product #407 Aliphatic Traffic Bearing Membrane cures at
ambient temperatures and is impermeable to moisture, oils, mild acids,
gasoline, and alkalies.
Epoxy.com Product #409 Traffic Bearing Membrane is a
Resilient Traffic Bearing Membrane. It is a 100% solids, ambient cure
impermeable elastomer. Epoxy.com
Product #409 Traffic Bearing Membrane is resistant to moisture,
oils, mild acids, gasoline, and alkalies.
Epoxy.com Product #409 Traffic Bearing Membrane when applied to
concrete or other surfaces, is resilient and accommodates movement in
concrete substrates. Epoxy.com
Product #409 Traffic Bearing Membrane is used as a traffic bearing
membrane or non-skid coating that retains color and physical properties
when exposed to harsh UV conditions.
- Epoxy.com Product #440 Light Stable Deck Membrane
- Epoxy.com Product # 441
Urethane Coating and Sealing Resin is a two component
water-based aliphatic (non-yellowing) polyurethane. It is free of the health
and environmental problems normally found in solvent-based urethanes, while
maintaining excellent performance properties.
Epoxy.com Product # 441 Urethane Coating and Sealing Resin provides a
matte finish. Epoxy.com Product # 441
Urethane Coating and Sealing Resin has good chemical, stain, and mar
resistance. In addition, it is easy to clean and has excellent color
retention under heavy foot traffic. It is a high performance coating for use
in a variety of seamless floor and wall coating systems.
Epoxy.com Product # 441 Urethane Coating and Sealing Resin eliminates
the strong solvent odor normally associated with many high performance
materials. It is ideal for topcoats and finishes that require high abrasion
resistance. Typical application areas are clean rooms, hospitals,
pharmaceutical facilities, stained concrete, wood floors, and as a seal coat
for most Epoxy.com floor and wall coating systems.
- Epoxy.com Product #467 Urethane Top Coating
- is a single component aliphatic urethane topcoat used to seal
Epoxy.com Elastomeric Urethane Decking Systems. Exhibiting excellent
resistance to ultraviolet degradation, Epoxy.com Product #467
Urethane Top Coating provides a high-build, chemically resistant finish.
Epoxy.com Product #488 UV Stable Aliphatic Polyurethane Coating
is a two component, ultra high solids, aliphatic polyurethane designed
to provide high gloss, UV stable (non-yellowing) and chemical resistant
protection. Epoxy.com Product #488 Aliphatic
Polyurethane Coating is a superior, new generation product
exhibiting fast cure time and excellent stain resistance.
Epoxy.com Product #488 Aliphatic Polyurethane Coating has very low
odor and can be applied indoors in occupied areas.
Epoxy.com Product #488 Aliphatic Polyurethane Coating is generally
used as a clear or pigmented high gloss finish Epoxy.com decorative and
industrial flooring systems such as Epoxy.com Chip Flooring (garage
floor finish).See also Epoxy.com
Epoxy.com Elastomeric Urethane Decking Systems for Exterior Use
Epoxy.com System #495 Elastomeric Polyurethane Traffic Membrane System- is an Elastomeric Urethane Membrane System, that is liquid applied. Epoxy.com System #495 Elastomeric Polyurethane Traffic Membrane System is seamless, elastomeric (flexible), and UV. Thee qualities make it an excellent choice for outside applications in direct sun and weather, where water tightness, durability, and excellent appearance is required. Its elastomeric properties will allow horizontal movements up to 1/8 inch without breaking. Epoxy.com System #495 Elastomeric Polyurethane Traffic Membrane System has excellent abrasion and chemical resistance. The surface of Epoxy.com System #495 Elastomeric Polyurethane Traffic Membrane System can be varied to achieve the required anti-skid and decorative look.
Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.
Installation Tips,
Techdata, &
MSDS for more details on our products.
Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.
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