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Epoxy Organic Zinc Rich Primer

Product OSVX408


Product OSVX408 Epoxy Organic Zinc Rich Primer is a two component epoxy primer which provides both barrier and sacrificial protection against steel corrosion. Product OSVX408 promotes adhesion, dries rapidly, and can be either shop or field applied.

This product cannot be shipped to CA due to VOC regulations. .


  • Meets SSPC Paint Specification no. 20, Type II.
  • Meets ASTM D 520 Type I
  • Bonds tenaciously to metal.
  • Promotes adhesion of subsequent coats.

Steel surfaces should be abrasive blasted to a commercial gray metal finish as specified by the Steel Structures Painting Council SSPC SP-6. Meets ASTM D 520 Type I. All work blasted shall be coated the same day with Product OSVX408 Zinc Rich Primer.


Color Gray
Tack Free Time 60 minutes @ 72�F (22.2�C)
Pot Life 360 minutes @ 72�F (22.2�C) +/- 2�
Solids 58% by volume
Solids 88% by weight
Total zinc dust by weight of solids 90%
Finish Flat
Viscosity 100 Krebs units
VOC 2.95 lbs / gallon
Dry Temperature Resistance Without Topcoating. Continuous 300 degrees F
Intermittent 400 degrees F


Steel Surfaces: Steel surfaces should be abrasive blasted to a commercial gray metal finish as specified by the Steel Structures Painting Council SSPC SP-6. All work blasted shall be coated the same day with Product OSVX408 Zinc Rich Primer.


Stir Component "A" thoroughly before combining with Component "B". Combine 5 parts by volume Component "A" to 1 part by volume Component "B". Mix for not less than three (3) minutes, using slow speed drill (300 to 600 rpm) and Epoxy.com -Mixing Paddle. When mixing has been completed, cover mixed material tightly and allow an induction time of not less than 45 minutes before application. Re-stir prior to application.


Product OSVX408 Epoxy may be applied by brush, roller, or spray. Stir intermittently during application to prevent zinc settlement. All spray equipment must employ traps to prevent water and oil from contaminating coating. Wait a minimum of 16 hours or a maximum of 5 days before subsequent coatings are applied. The recommended dry film thickness of 2.5 to 3.5 mils.


Product OSVX408 will cover approximately 275 SF (25.55 m2) per gallon depending upon surface texture to obtain 2.5 mils dry film.


One (1) gallon kits.


DANGER! FLAMMABLE! Contains xylene. Keep away from heat, sparks, and flame. Avoid breathing vapor. Use with forced air ventilation in confined areas. Avoid contact of resin or hardener with skin or eyes. In case of eye contact, flush immediately with plenty of water and consult a physician. Do not take internally.


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