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Epoxy.com Product #215 LVOC

High Solids Low VOC Coating.


EPOXY.COM #215 LVOC Epoxy Protective Coating is a two-component, high solids epoxy coating. The material components are Epoxy and high performance polyamide with corrosion inhibitors. It is 100 % reactive. It has a convenient 1:1 mixing ratio by volume and a long pot life to simplify mixing and application.


When cured, EPOXY.COM #215 LVOC provides a tough, tile-like finish with good flexibility. It protects concrete, steel, or wood against attack by salts, acids and alkalizes and some solvents


Color Gray
Mix Ratio 1:1 by volume
Volume Solids 68%
Pot Life 4 hours
Min recoat with self 4 hours
Max recoat with self 7 days
Min recoat w/polyurethane 12 hours
Max recoat w/polyurethane 7 days
Weight per gallon 13.5 lbs.

3,000 cps

Drying time at 70°F
To touch 5 hours
To recoat 14 hours
Full cure 7 days
V. O. C. Content 3.2 lbs / gallon
Shelf Life  
Unmixed closed container 12 months




New steel surfaces to receive Epoxy.com Product # 215 Low High Solids VOC polyamide coating should be initially blasted to near-white metal surface cleanliness in accordance with SSPC-SP10 for immersion surface or commercial blast cleanliness in accordance with SSPC-SP6 for non-immersion service. Blast profile on steel should be 1.5-2.0 mils in depth and be of a sharp, jagged nature as opposed to “peen” pattern. May be used as an intermediate or finish coat over Epoxy.com #1200 Zinc Rich Primer.


New concrete shall be cured a minimum of 30 days. Concrete surfaces shall be clean, sound and dry. Abrasive blast to remove curing compounds, existing coatings or laitance prior to application on concrete floors


Combine (1) one part by volume of Component "A" with (1) one part by volume of Component "B" Mix for a minimum of (3) minutes with a low speed electric drill and a Mixing Paddle.

No induction time is needed before applying.


EPOXY.COM #215 LVOC Epoxy Protective Coating may be applied by brush, roller or spray. All spray equipment must employ traps to prevent water and oil from contaminating coating.


Typical application is 160 sq. ft. per gallon; film thickness will be approximately ten (10) mils wet and eight (8) mils dry. Two coats are recommended.


2 gallon and 10 gallon units.


“A” Component contains epoxy resin.

DANGER! “B” Component contains alkaline amines; strong sensitizer. May cause skin sensitization or other allergic responses. Use with good ventilation, particularly if material is heated or sprayed. Prevent all contact with skin or eyes. Wear protective clothing, goggles, gloves and/or barrier creams. Keep container closed when not in use. Wash thoroughly after handling.

FIRST AID: In case of skin contact, immediately wash with soap and water. In case of eye contact, flush eyes with copious amounts of water for at least fifteen (15) minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes.If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Wash clothing before reuse.


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