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Epoxy.com Product #630 Conductive

Chemical Resistant Novolac Conductive Flooring

Formerly Called Epoxy.com Product #629


Epoxy.com Product #630 Chemical Resistant Conductive Flooring is a 100% solids epoxy Novolac Conductive coating ideal for severe chemical and solvent storage requiring conductive and spark proof surfaces. Applied at a nominal 1/16 inch, the Conductive Novolac offers the superior chemical resistance of a Novolac Resin System while maintaining a conductive surface.

  • Low viscosity ideal for trowel application
  • Exhibits excellent resistance to strong acids, alkalis and most industrial chemicals and solvents
  • 100% Solids low odor application and cure (0-VOC)
  • Bonds well to cool, damp substrates
  • Conductive & non sparking, 25,000 to 1,000,000 ohms resistivity


  • Substrate temperature must be a minimum of 50oF
  • Substrate must be free of dirt, waxes, curing agents and other foreign materials
  • Steel surfaces must e free of grease and oils.  Abrasive blast to SSPC-SP-3


100% Solids, modified polyamine, cured epoxy Novolac resin and fillers



Surface Preparation is the most critical portion of any successful resinous flooring system application. All substrates must be properly prepared as outlined in Epoxy.com Surface Preparation Guide.


Installation of Epoxy.com Product #630 NOVOLAC CONDUCTIVE will vary with application. Normally spread with a trowel or squeegee and back-rolled with a medium or short nap roller. Care should be taken to minimize the entrapment of air caused by over rolling.

For complete instructions, consult installation guide or Epoxy.com Technical Support.


Clean skin with soap and water. Tools and equipment should be cleaned with xylene or lacquer thinner.

Product #630 NOVOLAC CONDUCTIVE will yield approximately 32 mils when spread at 50 ft 2 per gallon. Two coats required.


Epoxy.com Product #630 CONDUCTIVE is available in Epoxy.com Standard Colors and Custom Colors as approved.

Epoxy.com Epoxy Color Chart HereClick the picture of color card at the side for a larger version of this picture of the color chart.
Please note:  The picture to the right is a photographic reproduction of the color card for this product.  The photo reproduction process and your monitor and/or printer will change these colors.  This chart is to give you an idea of the colors available and not intended for critical color selections.



Viscosity @ 75oF 1,000-1,500 cps
Mixing Ratio by volume 2 Part A to 1 Part B by Volume
Solids Content by volume 100 by volume
Volatile Organic Content 0
Weight per gallon, mixed 11.0-11.5 lbs. per gallon mixed


Pot Life 20-25 min. @75  Degrees F
Dry to Touch 6-7 hours @ 75  Degrees F
Re-Coat 8-12 hours @ 7 5Degrees F
Light Service 24 hours @ 75 Degrees F
Full Cure & Maximum Resistance 5 days


Acetic Acid-10%, 30% R
Acetone L
Ammonia Hydroxide-38 % R
Beer R
Bleach L
Brake Fluid R
Citric Acid-30% R
Citric Acid-40% R
Crude Oil R
Diesel Fuel R
Ethylene Glycol R
Fatty Acids R
Gasoline R
Hydrochloric Acid-37% R
Lactic Acid-50 R
Lactic Acid-80% R
Methyl Ethyl Ketone R
Methylene Chloride L
Nitric Acid-10% R
Peroxide-35% L
Phosphoric Acid R
Skydrol R
Sodium Hydroxide-50% R
Sulfuric Acid-98% R
Toluene R
Urea R
Vinegar R
Xylene R

R-Recommended for continuous service

L-Limited Recommendation, occasional spills

*-May cause slight stain or discoloration


See Epoxy.com Care and Maintenance of Seamless Flooring.

Epoxy.com Product #630 NOVOLAC CONDUCTIVE is easily cleaned with neutral soaps or detergents.

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Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

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