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Epoxy.com Product #844

This Product Replaced by Epoxy.com Product #899


For Refererance Only:  This product has been replace by Epoxy.com Product #899.

Product #844 Concrete Membrane Deck Primer is a 100% solids, two (2) component polyurethane primer. This thin film primer promotes long term wear and superior adhesion of the Product #409 Resilient Traffic Bearing Membrane. The Product #844 penetrates and seals the surface to allow for a smoother, pinhole free application.


Product #844 is used only on concrete. May be applied to properly prepared interior and exterior concrete to enhance the bond and performance of the Product #409  System.


  • 100% Solids
  • Zero VOC
  • Ease of application
  • Eliminates blisters and pinholes
  • Fast cure, ready to accept overcoat in 2 hours
  • 1:1 Mix Ratio


Pedestrian Grade and Traffic Grade - For pedestrian grade or traffic grade application apply one coat of Product #844 at 3.0 to 4.0 mils WFT to achieve 3.0 to 4.0 mils DFT. It is recommended that while wet, the Product #844 be lightly seeded with a rounded 16 / 30 silica sand.

Please refer to Product #409  Resilient Traffic Bearing Membrane Product data sheet for the complete system description for over coating the Product #844.






Volume Solids


Dry Time:

Dry to touch

1 hr @ 70�F

Dry to recoat

2 hrs @ 70�F

Maximum recoat interval of Product #844 when over coated with Product #409  shall not exceed 36 hours. If maximum over coat is exceeded reapply Product #844 over a clean dry surface.

Shore D Hardness


Tensile Strength

1600 psi



MVT, perms at 30 mils dry



Concrete - All concrete must be cured a minimum of 28 days. All concrete must be clean, sound, dry, free of oils and other bond inhibiting contaminants. Air and substrate temperature shall be 40�F and rising. Mechanical surface preparation such as shot blasting, abrasive blasting or hydroblasting is required to produce a clean and lightly profiled or textured surface. If hydroblasting is used, allow 24 to 48 hours for concrete to dry thoroughly.


Combine one (1) part component "A" and one (l) part component "B" by volume, in the quantity desired. Mix Product #844 with a mixing paddle and low speed drill for two (2) minutes. Avoid entrapping air while mixing. Apply immediately after mixing.


Apply by brush, roller, or airless sprayer at 3.0 to 4.0 mils WFT to achieve 3.0 to 4.0 mils DFT. While Product #844 is still wet, lightly seed with a rounded 16 / 30 silica sand. Allow to dry a minimum two (2) to four (4) hours at 70�F or until tack free prior to application of Product #409  Intermediate coat.


Minimum application temperature of 40�F and rising. Do not apply over damp or wet concrete. Do not apply to surfaces with active moisture vapor transmission. Product #409  Intermediate must be applied within 36 hours after application of Product #844 Primer.


Product #844 is packaged as a 2 gallon and 10 gallon unit.


Product #844 shall be stored in a dry, protected area at temperatures between 60�F and 90�F. Do not allow to freeze.


Product #844 contains organic isocyanates MDI. Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Do not ingest. Keep away from foodstuffs and wash thoroughly before smoking or eating. Should skin contact occur, wash skin well with soap and water. Should eye contact occur, flush thoroughly for at least 15 minutes with water. Get medical attention.


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